
Accidents at daycare (possible fear of potty)

DD is potty trained except at night.

This week at daycare both monday and today she had 3 accidents. When we asked her why she didn't use the potty she said "it hurts". When asked what hurts she started taking about the man, spiderman. Lately shes developed a fear of spiders (real) and the bad guy in kungfoo panda, both of which she calls spiderman.

She also just moved to a new classroom (with the same teacher and kids) and one of her friends left the daycare a week ago. Her main teacher has not been taking her to the potty (perhaps another problem).

Thoughts? Ideas ? Anyone have similar experiences? TIA



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Re: Accidents at daycare (possible fear of potty)

  • My oldest son has a fear of school bathrooms....and he's 7! He has NEVER gone at school. Not preschool or kindergarten or first grade. It's very stressful. He'll go everywhere else, even porta potties, but he wont go at school. He was literally potty trained in one day and has never wet his pants in his life....yet he started to have accidents this past year because 1st grade is all day and he just couldn't hold it that long. Not to say that your daughter will have this extreme of a fear, but I just wanted to say that I can sympathize with you and your daughter. I hope she overcomes her fear quickly.
  • Sometimes DD tells me it hurts when she pees. There are times that her anus is raw from the oranges that she used to eat and the pee burns that. Another time I think she started to get a urinary tract infection. I gave her cranberry juice for a couple of days and she stopped telling me it hurt.

    It could be spiders, or it could really be hurting her. I would probably make her an appointment to get it checked out.

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