I had my laparoscopy and HSG done today. I was unfortunately not saved by the pregnancy bell . The procedure itself went very smoothly. Worst part about it was the wait to go into the OR. The IV made me have to pee every 20 minutes for 2 hours! LOL
As far as what they found, I have limited information right now because I didn't get to see the doc afterwards and DH doesn't remember and/or didn't know what all to ask about. He was just bummed the doc wouldn't show him the pictures before he shows them to me.
What I did learn is that some lesions (is that what they are called?) were removed and one tube is completely clear. I'm fuzzy on the other tube. Don't know if it was partially blocked or if the doc just couldn't see it as well. Apparently an HSG done during surgery is harder to read than the regualr way, so I may or may not have another one in my future. And apparently my cervix is super tight. I guess it took around 30 minutes to get it dilated and apparently that's not normal. the doc said I may have really long labor if/when I give birth. Great!!! But I'm surprised at how little pain I'm in right now. Always a good thing!
I will find everything out at my follow-up next week and we'll take it from there.
Sorry this was so long!
Re: Surgery is done
Glad everything went well!
Rest up and feel good!
Glad the procedure wasn't too bad for you. Hoping you have a quick recovery and get good, positive info at your follow-up.
Glad it went well and you are feeling pretty good.