
Is there a way to tell if the baby is head down...

or do you have to wait for the doctor to check?

Re: Is there a way to tell if the baby is head down...

  • I could clearly feel my DD's head starting early in the 3rd trimester.  And it wasn't down.

    I'm sure it really depends on the positioning, though.  You could probably make a pretty good guess based on where you're feeling kicks and seeing movements, though.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • I knew when I was pregnant with DD because it felt like there was a bowling ball in my crotch
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • DD was breech, DS was transverse til 34w.

    Only real way to tell is an ultrasound.  Even if the doc feels around, butts feel like heads.

    but - you feel kicks down low (under the navel) if they're breech, most of the time anyway.  When head down you feel kicks up high instead.  Docs do not worry about this until about 36weeks though, and only about 3% of births are breech - chances are pretty good even if the kid is butt first right now, you'll be ok ;-)

  • EMTEMT member

    Where do you feel hiccups?

    I could never tell and my son was flipping breech late in the 3rd tri.  I had two docs feel me and guess.  One said breech and one said head down.  U/S confirmed he was head down.

  • I feel hiccups waaay down there.  I also feel sharp pains in the vajayjay area, too.  I figure, if my 9lb son had room to turn head down, this little girl will, too.  She's muuuch smaller.  Of course, I have to worry about everything, though.  I really don't want a c-section!
  • I could never tell, my first ds was breech, I found out at 38 weeks, then had to have a c/s.  All that time I thought I was patting his butt and it was really his head in my side...
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  • with my son I knew because his foot was stuck in my ribs!
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