Baby Names

How Many Max's?

We are having a boy, and we really haven't liked or agreed on any names.  The two that we are down to are Ari and Max.  I love Ari, but DH is having a hard time committing to it because it's too different.  I have always really liked the name Max, but I really don't like the overly-popular names.  It seems like this is quickly gaining in the charts, but I can't tell if this is general popularity or Bump popularity.  Here are my questions:

1) Are you planning on naming your son Max (or any derivative of it)?'

2) If so, what state do you live in?

3) Do you think Max is the next Jackson/Aiden?

4) Preference - Max or Ari?

Re: How Many Max's?

  • I really don't think you have much to worry about...I like Max much better than Ari (not sure how to even pronounce that) I went to the SSA website and this was the rank info for 2007:

    Popularity of a Name

    July 8, 2009
    Background information

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    Similar male names for births in 2008
    Max 126
    Maxim 701
    Maximo 770
    Maximus 258
    Popularity of the male name Max
    Year of birth Rank
    2008 126
    2007 141
    2006 160
    2005 165
    2004 164
    2003 162
    2002 165
    2001 159
    2000 164
    Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth. Name data are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States.

    See...not too much to worry about. You can even search for its populrity by state too! 

  • The only Max's I know are older (10ish).

     I LOVE Ari!

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  • I am not crazy about Ari. 

    I also wouldn't worry about Max being too popular. It isn't even in the top 100 and, in fact in the last 50 years has never even been in the top 100. 

  • I don't know any Max humans, only dogs.  It is one of the number one dog names.  :(
  • The only Max that I know is my dad. :)

    We've considered using the name (big fans of family names), but my soon-to-be SIL *loves* the name, so I think I may be nice and leave it for her.

    Max is definitely growing in popularity, but I honestly don't think it's going to end up being the next Aiden.

    I *definitely* prefer Max over Ari.

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  • SxiaSxia member

    My son is Maxwell (Max.)

    I don't know any other Max's (except dogs).

    This was my main issue.

    Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • SxiaSxia member

    ) Are you planning on naming your son Max (or any derivative of it)?'

    Yup. See above

    2) If so, what state do you live in?


    3) Do you think Max is the next Jackson/Aiden?

    I hope not. I did like Jackson, but DH didn't. I know too many Aidens.

    4) Preference - Max or Ari?

    Definitely Max.

    Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Having a daughter but thought about Max for DS until DH shot it down.

    Live in WA

    Max won't be the next Jackson/Aiden but I know 4 little boys named Max.

    Max- Ari is really nms.

  • 1. Quite possibly going to go with Max.

    2. North Carolina

    3. No. I was really concerned about this, so I looked at the babynamewizard web site that tracks popularity over time. Although it has had a recent spike in popularity, it has hovered around 150 on the SSA charts for 40 years, so it is anything but trendy. I would be very surprised if it suddenly shot into the top 10. 

    4. Max, although I do think Ari is cute. But I'm not sure an adult man should have a "cute" name.

  • 1. No

    3. It's popular, but is not nearly as popular as Jackson/Aidan

    4. Definitely Max. I don't like Ari at all. I know Ariannas that go by Ari so it seems feminine to me. ?

  • Max is in our top 3

    Live in Oregon

    It does seem to be getting more popular

    I prefer Max

    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • 1. pretty sure we'll use Maxwell and call him Max.

    2. We live in Indiana.

    3. I don't think it will be that popular.  Those names are out of control.

    4.  Max is better than Ari.  IMO, Ari sounds a lil girly.

  • Too many Max's IMO. Go with Ari - cute and uncommon.
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  • max is very popular to me, but if you love it then go for it. ari is cute but i have also always liked ali [ah-lee] for a boy.
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  • 1. DS' name is Max. (just Max, not short for anything). He is 13 months.

    2. NC

    3. It really isn't that popular according to SSA.

    4. I like Max but I am biased ;)

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  • Max is number one on our baby boy list

    We live in Delaware and I have never met another person named Max

    I dont think its popular at all, which is why I like it.

    I love the name Ari but DH shot it down, thats why we are going with Max

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