What do you have the hardest time dealing with? For me its the not listening and constantly having to repeat myself. Coming in a close second is how this child can not sit still for a second and trys to do gymnastic moves while I am trying to get her dressed, help her brush her teeth etc. So infuriating!
Re: S/o what part of parenting do you dislike the most
Without a doubt - whining.
This in the worst way.
The unexplained tantrums. I totally get and can deal with tantrums over things like "no you can't have a cookie", and even the ridiculous ones (like yesterday when he had a tantrum because I ate an apple). It is the ones where he is playing, has been fed, isn't tired, and all of a sudden he goed BALLISTIC over something and I have no idea what.
That and he is starting to get rude - keeps saying things like "I want it RIGHT NOW!". Uh uh, Mister. I am not a fan of that.
Utter lack of time to myself to even pee, and lack of time to do the fun stuff I want to do with them. Always having to be the bad guy.
I'm not a fan of the whining either.
But the endless worry is the toughest part for me. You wear your heart on your forehead forever.
Not eating and fighting every meal, every effing day to get her to eat.
Taking 3 hours to eat a bowl of cereal.
Christmas 2011
Definitely whining.
Worrying about if she is going to get sick in the middle of the night. For what ever reason this is one of my biggest worries ( not really sure why) It probably started when I first had her & was worried she would stop breathing at night & I would miss it. I am a worry wort!
I agree the out of the blue tantrum/cry fest in public & at home, do drive me to want/need a drink. (of course not while pg) Oh & the her running off in a public place & having to yell & looking frantic, is pretty ruff.
Whining and worrying about living long enough to see her through her adulthood. Seriously, I worry about stuff like that.
Crawling all over me all.the.time.
me too
we must both be crazy
daycare and working
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
I always assumed everyone worried about those things. I was braced for that long before I was a parent! I worry about the same things with my dh and family memebrs too, so i am just a worrier by nature.
This is probably why I need to be medicated daily, no?
Ditto, makes me nuts!
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13