We are leaving the beach tomorrow and I am sitting here like a blubbering idoit b/c I know it will be the last time we are here just the three of us. And I feel so guilty for DS b/c he LOVES the beach and I know we probably won't be back this summer (obviously can't take a newborn on the beach and I'm not sure how I will feel about being away from home with a newborn). I just feel so bad for DS b/c he loves coming to the "beachhouse" (my IL's have a place - not on the beach but about 5 minutes away). And letting him come here with IL's alone is totally NOT an option (for a myriad of reasons that would be the longest post ever).
Ugh... I'm a blubbering mess. I feel bad that DS will miss out on some stuff in the last month of the summer, and bad for DS2 that I'm having a hard time getting excited about meeting him b/c I"m too busy feeling bad for DS1.
Please tell me this is all normal. I feel like I need to eat a bottle of Prozac right about now...
Re: I'm a hormonal mess :(
so so sorry. to me, that feeling was the single most difficult part of having #2.
it will pass and turninto such joy- that you could give a beautiful sibling to your oldest...it does take awhile, though!
hang in there- it will get easier-i swear!
OMG, this is a totally seperate post for me! I have never been away from DS for even one night - EVER. Totally by choice for me, so I'm not complaining. But the fact that I will have to be away from him for FOUR nights makes me an even BIGGER mess. I can't even start to think about it b/c I lose my mind. I swear I'm even thinking about figuring out how to Skype so I can say goodnight to him live while I'm in the hospital.
Yup... I'm THAT mom