
I'm a hormonal mess :(

We are leaving the beach tomorrow and I am sitting here like a blubbering idoit b/c I know it will be the last time we are here just the three of us.  And I feel so guilty for DS b/c he LOVES the beach and I know we probably won't be back this summer (obviously can't take a newborn on the beach and I'm not sure how I will feel about being away from home with a newborn).  I just feel so bad for DS b/c he loves coming to the "beachhouse" (my IL's have a place - not on the beach but about 5 minutes away).  And letting him come here with IL's alone is totally NOT an option (for a myriad of reasons that would be the longest post ever).

Ugh... I'm a blubbering mess.  I feel bad that DS will miss out on some stuff in the last month of the summer, and bad for DS2 that I'm having a hard time getting excited about meeting him b/c I"m too busy feeling bad for DS1.

Please tell me this is all normal.  I feel like I need to eat a bottle of Prozac right about now... :(

Re: I'm a hormonal mess :(

  •  so so sorry. to me, that feeling was the single most difficult part of having #2.

    it will pass and turninto such joy- that you could give a beautiful sibling to your does take awhile, though!

    hang in there- it will get easier-i swear!


  • Totally 100% normal!  Don't worry.  When the baby gets there, and things fall into place, you will be so thrilled, you'll wonder why you ever worried about it in the 1st place.  Stop worrying.  DS will be fine.
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  • I cried the night before DD2 was born because I would have to leave DD1 overnight.  It was the first time both DH & I were away from her.
  • Totally normal.  My two are BFFs and really enjoy each other.  My youngest will be two soon and spent most of the day chasing the four-year-old saying "I yuv you. I yuv you."  It melts my heart to see them together. My four year old, who was two at the time, was completely maternal from the start and wanted to sit on the couch and hold him when he was a newborn.  While there is the typical sibling rivelry over toys and teasing, even that is kind of funny to watch most of the time.  The adjustment from one to two is different for everyone I know, but I was worried and it just went really smoothly for us.  I hope the same for you.  But what you are feeling seems to be what me and all of my IRL friends experienced.  It will get better.  : )
  • imageAlexandra*sMom:
    I cried the night before DD2 was born because I would have to leave DD1 overnight.  It was the first time both DH & I were away from her.

    OMG, this is a totally seperate post for me!  I have never been away from DS for even one night - EVER.  Totally by choice for me, so I'm not complaining.  But the fact that I will have to be away from him for FOUR nights makes me an even BIGGER mess.  I can't even start to think about it b/c I lose my mind.  I swear I'm even thinking about figuring out how to Skype so I can say goodnight to him live while I'm in the hospital. 

    Yup... I'm THAT mom :(

  • It's completely normal!!  I had some guilt with the last 3 pregnancies.  Just think about what a wonderful & priceless gift you are giving DS1- a lifetime friend to play at the beach with!!  In a couple of years they will have so much fun playing there TOGETHER!  You will wonder why you ever worried :)
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