
The Five Love Languages book

Anyone read it? I've heard good things, MIL gave us a copy years ago & we never did anything with it Embarrassed So, DH & I are sitting to read a chapter together every night, as well as do the study guide questions. Last night we did chapter 1 & 2. We're hoping if nothing else, the sitting together, turning off the TV & connecting will be a good thing for a marriage!

Re: The Five Love Languages book

  • We got it as a wedding present. It's up in the attic with other stuff we haven't done anything with yet.

    That's great you are taking the time to do it together.


    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I bought it about a year ago and haven't read it. Maybe I should read it with my DH like you are -that is a good idea..
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  • It's a pretty quick read.  It definitely gave DH and I some "a-ha" moments about miscommunications in our marriage.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • We went to a marriage workshop about 2 years ago and they did the tests, although we didn't read the entire book. I think it's a really good way to understand how your partner (and how to communicate to them) feels loved.
  • I loved the book but not for the reason I expected.

    YES, you and your partners learn about your individual love languages and how to show love to each other in that language.

    But MORE IMPORTANTLY, you learn to accept your partner's displays of love AS valid displays of love.

    I am a touch person and DH is an acts of service.  It would bother me to no end when he would not cuddle.  But once I realized that he was showing me his love every time he would put gas in my car (I have not had to put gas in my own car in the 3 years we have been married), I let my frustrations go.

    And the less frustrated I was, the more appealing cuddling was to him and for ME to show him love in his way.

    So in other words, LOVED the BOOK. 

  • DH and I did The Love Dare as part of our New Year's Resolution, and when that was done we did The Five Love Languages. We've found it to be very helpful! And then when we were done, we did Now You're Speaking My Language which is the follow-up once you figure out your spouse's love language.

    As you mentioned, it's the "together time" that has helped us a lot, I think... more than the books themselves.

    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • Ah, this positive stuff is so good for me to hear! I can only hope for the same results :) Thanks ladies!
  • My therapist recommended it, but I haven't picked it up yet...I think I will after seeing this.  Thanks!
  • I read this a few years ago and found it very interesting. DH did not read it but I still found it very helpful. Not only in understanding him but myself. I found the author very honest about his relationships also. I still have it and should read it again.
  • Is that the one where they talk about filling up the love cup or something like that?  And the languages are touch, gifts, time, etc?  If so, then yes I read it.  I really liked it actually.  I really want DH to read it, I think it was help our relationship tremendously (it's not bad, but everyone could use help).  But he will not read it he just thinks it's dumb.  But i forced him to listen to me give a summary of the book, and he also took the quizzes with me, so I think he got something out of it.  I realized a lot abut myself by reading the book.  And it made me realize why i often get annoyed/angry with DH.  My love language was pretty much what I expected, DH's was different though which was surprising.
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  • Yep, he read it, then I read it, and things became a little clearer. It's a good thing to do =)
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