With DD, I had started feeling her by now but nothing yet that I can pinpoint as DD#2. I just had my big u/s last week so I know all was well but I find this part of 2nd tri to be difficult -- you don't have the aches and pains from 1st tri to remind you you're pg all the time and yet you're not feeling the baby move yet. I can't complain -- as with DD, my pregnancy so far has been very low key (I didn't have m/s with either) but I could really use a flutter or something to put my mind at ease. Especially since I thought you usually feel DC#2 before you did with DC#1 and I haven't yet. Anyone else not feel DC#2 before DC#1?
Re: Not feeling baby yet
I don't recall her mentioning this but someone on my local board just brought this up as a possibility to. I'm wondering now if this is the case, especially given how hard it was for my dr. to find her heartbeat the last time I went in. I'm going to ask at my next appointment in 2 weeks.
I thought I would feel this baby a lot earlier too, but not until 18-19 weeks, same with DS, no consistency of movement until 22 weeks. Now that this baby has started, I feel movement more than I ever did DS through my whole pregnancy, which my dr says is b/c this baby is more active and the positioning is completely different. I never felt DS much b/c he was breech, this baby feels like he or she is coming out the side of my stomach due to transverse positioning of the baby.