Hi all!
I am 38 years old and my husband and I are TCC. I know this sounds stupid but I guess I just wanted to ask the question before wasting my time on a home pregnancy test(can you tell I've been disappointed before?).
I was supposed to start my period on the 3rd and it hasn't shown up yet. Have all the cramping and bloating that goes along with it but no flow. No even a spot. My thought is, if I am going to cramp this bad I should get my period.
So I guess the question is, should I go ahead and do a home test or wait it out and see what happens. My other thought is, there is no way I could be pregnant with all the stress that I have been under at work and I have only been off BC for 4 months. Plus I have none of the normal symptoms of pregnancy.....
What would you guys do? Thanks for listening.
Re: Question
Hi Stephanie! I would go POAS (pee on a stick)...and I would start to chart if you don't already (if AF decides to show up)...that really helps you know when you are O'ing so that you can time it all better....I'm sure you know that women our age have a harder time getting pg than than "young" ones...so anything you can do to help the process along is a great thing!
The other thing is that it may take months for your cycle to regulate after coming off BCP...your cycles may start out normal and then either lengthen or shorten over a couple of months. Hope that helps & good luck to you!
Oh...and welcome to our board
Welcome to the board!
I agree with above...I'd POAS now and then start charting...I wish I'd started charting much sooner!!
Welcome to the board! I would definitely suggest going and POAS. I did not have any symptoms with my pg at all except a few cramps and some big time bloating, but those are also what I get when expecting AF.
Stress doesn't necessarily mean you can't get pg. The only thing that would mean you're not pg would be if you didn't have sex around the time you O.
I would POAS.
Hi and welcome to the board!
I personally would POAS (I know you said you don't want to be disappointed but at least you'll know). If you are not pregnant this cycle, I would follow the others advice and start charting. Its the only way to know when and if you actaully ovulate. Good luck and keep us posted!
I would POAS.
Good luck and keep us posted!!!
Thanks so much everyone for the advice AND the welcome!
I have been tracking since I came off BC and let me tell you, I miss the punctuality of being on BC. LOL When I first came off BC, AF was a week early, then the next month I was a week late, then I was 2 days late and now this time I'm 4 almost 5 days late. Nothing like AF keeping me on my toes!!! LOL
The only thing that is REALLY different this time is that I am cramping really bad like I should have a flow but not getting it. All the cramping and bloating and none of the rest. LOL I have one home test left (I had a box of three with a 4th one free) so if I think of it tomorrow morning I will use it then.
I hope that you all don't mind me coming with questions. I just keep reading all the "normal" signs and symptoms of pregnancy and just wonder if every woman feels the breast tenderness/soreness etc. I work in a hospital(manager of a Cardiopulmonary Dept) but this is something that I am TOTALLY clueless about. LOL
Thank you again so much and I will definately keep you posted!
HI ladies!!!!
Thank you so much for suggesting I take the test.
<<<<DRUM ROLL>>>>
WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!! I can't believe it, I'm still reeling and having my "oh ***" moments!!! It's a little un-nerving at this point that there is actually something growing in my belly. Kinda creepy to be honest.
However, I am still VERY excited and so is my husband. Going to try and get a blood test tomorrow to confirm.
Thank you all so much for your support and advice!!!