
having a bad day

so SIL is having her baby today and I'm jealous b/c she has had 2 easy pg while I've had 2 hard pg w/ to preemies I know we've all been there. Add to it my mom was supposed to watch ds#1 today so i could get things done around the house and run some errands but now she is at the hospital w/ my bro and SIL awaiting the arrival of the baby and add to that tomorrow is my 1st day back at work and I really don't want to go. ds#2 hates the bottle no matter what we try he barely takes it. Dh new job has decided to change his schedule so that he starts working evenings this month even though they said he wouldn't start till next month  and I told my work I could work evenings this months b/c dh would be working days so now we're both going to be working evenings this month. I really could go on but that's just how life is right now I guess. I know it will get better. Thanks for listening and letting me vent.
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