

Lemons + ketchup = priceless.

That is TOTALLY something my DD would do.  I have a picture of her eating a lime and a banana (one in each hand alternating bites) at a restaurant once.

imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography

Re: *co18co*

  • If you look up the word "nasty," in the dictionary, you will likely find his picture.  SO gross.

  teach bodypump, don't you?  Are you Les Mills certified?  I am thinking about doing the certification, soon, and wondered how long you were taking the classes before you went after certification...

  • Yes.  I'm certified in Bodypump and Bodycombat (You have to certify in each program. . . Les Mills has a great business model, they are making boatloads of $$ from this whole certification/licensing process).

    I took Bodypump years ago when I lived in Boston and they just started offering it last year (fall) at my gym.  I took Bodypump training in January, so I'd been taking the class regularly for about 5 months before the training (it definitely helped to be up on the choreography before going into training because you have to present several different tracks during training with very minimal time to memorize them).  However, when I took Bodycombat training I had hardly done the class at all--I'm going to be releasing the program to our gym in the fall (brand new program for us).  It had definitely helped that I had been through the training for one discipline before doing the other because I had the "mental game" down.  It is a tough 3 days, but SO worth it.

    PM me if you want with more questions :)  I just went to the Les Mills Quarterly and took 6 classes in a day. . . it was awesome.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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  • That is awesome!  Thank you SO much for the info!  I'll definitely have more questions.  Our gym is looking to add some things like the combat/step/etc., and are just shy of the teachers.


    I taught in college, and right after (just cardio kick and real certifications), but am really thinking that I want to get into this.  

    Thanks, again!  I will be PMing you soon, I am sure!


  • Awesome!  You may already know this, but you definitely have to have the backing of your club to join (again with the exclusive, crazy business model).  You won't even be able to register for the training until your club verifies that you are an employee or will be an employee.

    Combat rules. . . it's really amazing.  Also love  Bodyattack.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Yeah, it's a small, DC-area chain, and are desperate for some new, young-blood teaching in there, so I definitely have the club support!  I've just only been doing it for a few months, although, did the body pump years ago.


    I used to dance, so I am not totally a klutz, so hopefully I can get it together and make it work.  Thanks again!

  • I used to dance too. . . definitely helps to have a little grace :)

    Honestly, I really love the program.  I have buff body-builder types in my class and 70+ year old ladies in my class and they can all get a good workout.  I am really excited to release Combat.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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