As I've posted before, I had recent bout of mastitis that I was on meds for. I finished those this past Friday. However, I was having some serious issues with clogged ducts that wouldn't clear for the life of me. Tried everything everyone suggested and nada. Finally, I bought Lecethin and that hasn't completely cured the problem but I definitely feel some improvement and this has been the only thing to help in the slightest. They aren't completely gone but it feels like they might be slowly breaking up.
But, whenever my milk comes in or lets down when it's time to nurse again, I notice that one side of my breast (where I thought was a huge clogged duct) is much harder and rounder then the other. I'm not sure that it's clogged anymore, it just feels much more pronounced than the other side. I hope I'm making sense. Like it feels like a big, round gland. Ugh, I don't really know how to explain it.
Does anyone know what this might be about? I do know that it doesn't feel as pronounced after a feeding. I have my 4wk pp exam Wed and plan on asking him about it but in the meantime does anyone have any ideas as to what this might be? TIA.
Re: Last BFing ?, I promise!
R9 -- yes, I have decided to continue for now. I'm setting little goals for myself and my first one is 6 to 8 weeks and then I will go from there. I find that to be less pressure on myself.
I actually have stopped putting heat on it since that was never working. I suppose I should and maybe that will help break them down faster. Also, come to think of it, I had read that after a duct clears it does take some time before it feels completely normal again.
Thanks ladies! I'm probably getting annoying with all the bfing questions, but I swear there is a science to it and soo much information to know. I should have done all this research when I was still preg!