This morning we went and they were scanned for their helmets. The staff is super nice and it went so smoothly. We go back in 2 weeks to get them fitted. I had a hard time keeping my composure and not crying at the thought of the helmets.
The good and bad news; insurance is paying for them, but only 50%. I guess we're not getting new windows upstairs this year.
Re: The good, the bad, the helmets
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) Our first love and loss 7/2/07
3 cycles clomid TI = BFNs
3 cycles clomid Ovidrel IUI = BFNs
6/27/08 Surprise BFP = chemical pg
IVF#1 July 08 BFP @7dp3dt
TTC #3 since February 2010
FET Sept. and Oct. 2010=BFN's
IVF#2 June 2011=BFP