I meet with the urologist tomorrow. They have forewarned me that they might want to sedate him for the circumcision. I am nervous about the possibility of putting him under completely for the circ. Has anyone had this done before? How did your DS react? How old was your DS?
Re: Anyone had their DS sedated for circumcision?
Robbie had his done at the same time he had to have stomach surgery, so he was completely out. We had originally planned to have a urologist do it instead of the OB, so we may have ended up that way anyway.
It's hard to guage what caused what, but Robbie was pretty uncomfortable after the surgery. I think that was mostly stomach pain (he had quite a bit done, he had 4 incisions in his tummy) but he also didn't pee for 12 hours after surgery. That seems to be pretty common because they hurt.. They threatened to catheterize him but were able to turn his IV rate up and give him a bolus of fluids and finally got him to pee.
The biggest thing for Robbie was keeping his peen smeared up with A&D ointment and we put him in a size bigger diaper to keep any pressure off of it. He was *REALLY* tender for about 2 days, but by day 3, he was pretty much like 'Foreskin? what foreskin?"
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We have a second consult with a urologist to do this to our boys and we will demand for general anesthesia. Our urologist explained to us that the older they are the more aware of the pain they are and my boys have already been through so much. The urologist wouldn't do the proceedure until they were over 15lbs, but they didn't hit 15lbs until they were a over a year old. Since then we've had a host of other medical issues so getting the circ done was last on the list.
One of my sons was circumcised twice. The first time was done by our old pedi about a week after he was discharged. It was horrible. My baby was over 2 months old then, and the sugar water and lidocane injection did not work to control his pain. It was horrible, horrible. Made even worse because the @sshole pedi botched the circ, making it extremely lopsided and way too much leftover skin in general. So it is VERY good that your son's doctor said he was too small. I really wish our pedi had admitted our son was too small (under 5 lb), instead of putting him through pain just to screw up the circ.
He was re-circumcised under a general anesthetic when he was about 10 months old. All in all, it was a great experience. I was terrified of the general, but really he didn't have any trouble with it. I talked to the anesthesiologist for a long time the night before the surgery, and he assured me that once a baby hits 6 months old, general anesthesia is as safe as if it were being used in an adult!
He was uncomfortable for a couple of days, and his urologist gave him a narcotic painkiller to use for the next 2 weeks if needed. Honestly though, he was fine after just a couple of days.
This almost exactly. my Peri wouldnt do it and referred us to a Pedi urologist. He got it done about a month ago. Minus the narcotic, we just did tylenol. He got croup on top of it though the next day probably from being intubated, but other than that he was back to himself in a few days!