Baby Names

Incorporating ethnic heritage into names...

So, DH and I have an understanding that both names for our kiddos will be of ethnic heritage... we have 7 ethnicities btw the 2 of us. Any ideas?

DD#1's name is German + Dutch + Dutch (last name)

Our other ethnicities are: Italian, South American, English, French, Indonesian.

Ideas? So many of those names are ugly--sorry! I have some ideas in my siggy name list.

I know this is hard, but thank you for trying!

Re: Incorporating ethnic heritage into names...

  • Hmm...are there one or two of those ethnicities or cultures that you identify more with than the others? It's going to be hard to pick a name that combines 7 ethnicities.

    I saw in your other post that you are considering Avery or Emery (and that your daughter's name is Adalynne) - are those to honor any specific heritage?

  • No, sorry, not to combine all 7 in one name:) Any 2 or 3 of them are fine. We are okay with 2 middle names if necessary.
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  • Of your names, I like Annika and Alessia.
  • EXL311EXL311 member
    I would go with the main ethnicities you identify with.  You and DH obviously can't be half of each one of those and I think it's more meaningful if you pick a name of say your parent's ethnicity rather than your great-great-great-great grandmother's.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • I liked Annika, Annissa, Gianna, and Lucia the best for honoring your heritages; the others were either meh or pseudo-WASPy.
  • ach427ach427 member

    My faves of yours are Annika and Lucia. 

    Neither of your boy names sound particularly ethnic, though there is nothing wrong with them. 

  • I really like all the ethnic names in your list. And I feel your pain. I'm Swiss/Austrian and my husband is Italian.

    Annika and Gianna are probably my faves.

    Others we have on our short list - Francesca, Lorelei, Lucianna, Giuliana.

  • I love the name Gianna for a girl!
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