how do I handle this while nursing DD?
I haven't had a drink since before I was pregnant with the baby I miscarried back in August, so almost 1 whole year!
I think I'm ready today and would like to know the best way to approach this while BF'ing. Thanks!
Re: Been about 1 year since I've had an alcoholic bevg, would like one today so...
Have a drink.
You only need to pump and dump if you get trashed. Alcohol leaves your breastmilk at the same rate it does your blood.
So if you feel buzzed, wait a little while before you nurse. Or have the drink right after a session.
I have a glass of wine at least 2-3 times a week.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
They sell them at BRU, but I don't see the need unless you habitually overindulge.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I don't worry about it if I'm just having one drink. I'll often have one with dinner. If I'm having 2 or more drinks (basically enough to feel buzzed at all) I'll try to nurse him first, then drink. By the time he's ready to eat again, it will have worn off. I also have a freezer full of milk and can dip into that supply if need be.
Enjoy your drink! I had my first beer when Thomas was a few weeks old, and it tasted sooo good.