
Been about 1 year since I've had an alcoholic bevg, would like one today so...

how do I handle this while nursing DD?

I haven't had a drink since before I was pregnant with the baby I miscarried back in August, so almost 1 whole year!

I think I'm ready today and would like to know the best way to approach this while BF'ing. Thanks!

Re: Been about 1 year since I've had an alcoholic bevg, would like one today so...

  • Have a drink.

    You only need to pump and dump if you get trashed. Alcohol leaves your breastmilk at the same rate it does your blood.

    So if you feel buzzed, wait a little while before you nurse. Or have the drink right after a session.

    I have a glass of wine at least 2-3 times a week.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Go ahead and have a drink (or two.) As long as you don't feel drunk you're fine to nurse. If you start to feel a little tipsy just wait a couple of hours before nursing again.
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  • A friend of mine has test strips to test her breast milk to see if it is good nor not.... Not sure where she got them though...
  • imageMelandJeff:
    A friend of mine has test strips to test her breast milk to see if it is good nor not.... Not sure where she got them though...

    They sell them at BRU, but I don't see the need unless you habitually overindulge.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I don't worry about it if I'm just having one drink.  I'll often have one with dinner.  If I'm having 2 or more drinks (basically enough to feel buzzed at all) I'll try to nurse him first, then drink.  By the time he's ready to eat again, it will have worn off.  I also have a freezer full of milk and can dip into that supply if need be.

    Enjoy your drink!  I had my first beer when Thomas was a few weeks old, and it tasted sooo good.

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