
Anyone been to Vegas with kids?

If so, where did you stay?  We're going next month and right now I have a room reserved at the MGM Grand but I'm worried that it's not as family friendly as other hotels.  I know Las Vegas isn't exactly family friendly but most of the stuff we plan to do isn't on the strip but we do want to go to the shark reef at Mandalay Bay and see the lions at the MGM.  The thing is that I got the MGM room for $55 a night and the Mandalay averages about 110 a night.  I've been reading reviews from people traveling with kids but I wanted to see if anyone here has had any Vegas experiences with children.
Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06

Re: Anyone been to Vegas with kids?

  • Vegas is just not a place for kids.

    I get absolutely disgusted when I see kids in Vegas. 

  • EXL311EXL311 member

    Vegas is just not a place for kids.

    I get absolutely disgusted when I see kids in Vegas. 

    Why would you be disgusted?  It's not like we're taking them gambling or to nude shows.

    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
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  • imageMelandJeff:

    Vegas is just not a place for kids.


    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • Everywhere you look there is SEX. That is was Vegas is, sex and gambling. On the billboards, on the taxi's, and you are STAYING in a casino. They are FILLED with smoke, hookers are everywhere. Plus, the pool? At either of the two hotels you mentioned? Not appropriate for kids there either.

    Seriously, take them to Disney. Vegas is just not for children.

  • We took Ian last year when my bro/sis-in-law still lived there.  We actually rented a house and it ended up being cheaper per night than the hotels.  We went through


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • And, I completely apologize if am coming off bitchy, I just feel really strongly about this. I have been to Vegas about 6 times and just got back from there last week. The appalled feeling I felt while there is still fresh, LOL

    As MH says " We make 'em there, we dont bring 'em there"

  • imageMelandJeff:


    As MH says " We make 'em there, we dont bring 'em there"



    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • Over react much??

    Jake has been twice with us. We stay (for free) at the Venitian.
    There are a lot of things to do with kids during the day.
    Circus Circus is fun for a day
    Mandalay bay aquarium, Venetian for a gondola ride,?
    Check out this site?
    My mom went at the same time as us & came to our room one night so DH & I could go out?
    Summer 2011
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers ~early M/C 4/09 ~ Ectopic 6/09~ BFP 11/09~
  • Wow- I disagree with most people in this post! I have taken my baby to Vegas, and we had a great time! There is a dolphin show at one of the casinos, and a whole outdoor zoo thing attached to it. That did not take 5 minutes, that was an all afternoon thing, it was fun, and there was no smoking, drinking, or sex going on anywhere near it. We didn't go to CIrcus Circus, but will next time. Just walking the baby in the stroller down the strip was fascinating for her, and fun.

    We get a suite and will bring a babysitter in an adjoining room- so we have a sitter. The first time we went our baby was 6months old, and it was nice to just be right downstairs in case they needed us. 

    Anyway, as someone who has brought kids to Vegas and will again in the future, I just feel completely different. It's a great time and in no way inappropriate for children.

  • EXL311EXL311 member

    Honestly other than the shark reef at the Mandalay Bay we don't have plans on the strip.  There is an aquarium at another hotel and the dolphins at the Mirage that we might go to see.  We are hoping to go to the Lied Discovery Children's Museum and the Las Vegas Natural History Museum.  I would be surprised if those places have people handing out nudie cards outside, but what do I know since I've never been to Vegas.  Staying on the strip for us is more for the experience of getting to see it and so DH can play the slots.  The smoke is one of the things I'm concerned about but according to info I found on the Mandalay Bay hotel you don't go through the casino to get to the rooms.  At this point I'm honestly not really concerned about them being exposed to things they shouldn't be but I'll post after we get back from our trip and let you guys know how it went.

    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
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