Baby Names


So, I'm perusing's Scottish names list (yes, v. exciting Friday night) and I came across Lachlan. I think I like it.


Re: Lachlan

  • It's on our list; so, naturally, I love it!  I also like the Irish version which is Laughlin (Lauf-lynn instead of Lock-lynn in pronounciation).
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  • dpdwdpdw member
    I like it, but I'm a fan of gaelic names.  I bet most Americans wouldn't immediately like it.
  • I've always liked that name. I've seen it in writing before but I haven't heard it on a real person (except as part of a last name like Sarah McLachlan).
  • I like it.
  • Yep, I really like it.
  • I think I like it too
  • I don't like it. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is my 1 year old sons name. My husband and I have Scottish and Irish heritage and my grandmother who was born in Ireland maiden name is McLachlan. I wanted something very unique and the fact that it has family ties in it sealed the deal. I havent heard any negative comments from anyone, although it is frequently mispronounced the first time people say it. I never regretted picking this name. It is unique without being overly trendy. Now, if I could only have better luck picking such an awesome name for #2 who is due in 2 months....agghh!
    ~ My Crazy, Beautiful Life with 3~ Lachlan,Vito and Willa Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I'm a big fan of Gaelic names so this one gets a thumbs up from me. I've been finding that most people don't like them though. My DH and I wanted a clearly Scottish name for our 3rd and we have gotten no positive feedback. Plus, I would want to use the traditional spelling and that really freaks people out!  LOL  For instance, I love Niamh (pronounced Neeve).
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  • imagekcnurse77:
    This is my 1 year old sons name. My husband and I have Scottish and Irish heritage and my grandmother who was born in Ireland maiden name is McLachlan. I wanted something very unique and the fact that it has family ties in it sealed the deal. I havent heard any negative comments from anyone, although it is frequently mispronounced the first time people say it. I never regretted picking this name. It is unique without being overly trendy. Now, if I could only have better luck picking such an awesome name for #2 who is due in 2 months....agghh!

    How is it mis-pronounced? I am saying it Lock-lin.


  • Never heard of it, but don't like it.  Sorry.
  • EXL311EXL311 member
    I really like it.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • Don't love it, don't hate it.
  • I like it! But, it's also like the 2nd most popular boys name in australia right now (jack is #1).  I feel like every little boy around here is called Lachlan!
  • imageleah1615:
    I like it! But, it's also like the 2nd most popular boys name in australia right now (jack is #1).  I feel like every little boy around here is called Lachlan!

    I guess we're good as long as we don't move to Australia. :) Our last name is more popular there than here, as well.

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