
4-month old screaming at bedtime

One of my girls has really gone nuts at bedtime the past couple of nights.  She's done this periodically before, but we'd finally gotten her a little calmer and now she's back and screaming worse than before.  She cries and screams for about 2-3 hours no matter what we do, then finally she settles down in my arms and falls asleep.  Her sister usually sleeps through most of this routine.  We're trying walking, bouncing, swinging, you name it.  I'm thinking about just letting her CIO in her crib, but then what do I do about her peacefully sleeping sister in the same room?

Re: 4-month old screaming at bedtime

  • Cant't offer any advise but one of my triplets just started this to, she is also 4 months, I don't know what it is. The days we are gone most of the day it seems to be worse. Sometimes I think she is just tired & don't want to go to sleep. But sometimes it seems like something is wrong & no matter what I do it dosn't work. So I am right there with you, we can only hope it will get better :)
  • ugh... I feel for you, Bella was the same way... DH and I tried everything and we got to the point where we just dreaded the night time because it was sooooo hard.  What ended up working for us was just putting her down (I think she was still swaddled at that point).  She did cry for a little but it was not that long and was NOTHING compared to what she normally did.  We used a white noise machine to help drown out the noise so Jack did not wake up.  Good luck.. I am so sorry that you are going through this... it does get better!!!!
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  • AlisaSAlisaS member
    Too young to CIO. Maybe she is teething.
  • Have you tried putting her to bed earlier? One of my boys gets like that if he is overtired. If I let him get to that point it becomes impossible to get him to sleep. My boys go to bed between 6:30 and 7:00 and usually go down without a problem. Naps however are a completely different story for us....
  • she seemed really tired yesterday so we put her down around 6:15 and she went right to sleep for about a half hour.  Then she was up and screaming until 9:00.  The pediatrician said no on the teething-- how old till they're old enough to CIO?

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