My 30 weekers will be 39 weeks corrected on Monday, and have been home from the hospital for 2 weeks and 10 days. So far, I've only taken them to the pedi office and Caribou drive-though
My inlaws invited us over for the 4th & I'm wondering if they're ready for such a big trip. It would only be my inlaws & us, and they've been around the inlaws a lot at our house. But I'm worried about the car ride (30 min each) and the new surroundings. Do you think it will be too much for them? Liana has been struggling to gain weight, and I don't want to wear her out. On the other hand, I need to take them out some time. Thoughts?
Re: Would you take your preemies to in-laws for 4th?
Because your little one's aren't even term yet, I personally would not do it. We didn't really take our guys out until they were 2-3 months past their due date.
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07