
Would you take your preemies to in-laws for 4th?

My 30 weekers will be 39 weeks corrected on Monday, and have been home from the hospital for 2 weeks and 10 days. So far, I've only taken them to the pedi office and Caribou drive-though :)

My inlaws invited us over for the 4th & I'm wondering if they're ready for such a big trip. It would only be my inlaws & us, and they've been around the inlaws a lot at our house. But I'm worried about the car ride (30 min each) and the new surroundings. Do you think it will be too much for them? Liana has been struggling to gain weight, and I don't want to wear her out. On the other hand, I need to take them out some time. Thoughts?

Re: Would you take your preemies to in-laws for 4th?

  • Because your little one's aren't even term yet, I personally would not do it.  We didn't really take our guys out until they were 2-3 months past their due date.

  • I wouldn't, but that is just me.  Will there be fireworks?  The noise would be a concern for me.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • I probably would stay home.  A change in schedule and environment can be really stressful for even a full-term baby.  Plus, I would worry about any there being something in the house that could trigger a reaction or illness.  Can your in-laws come to you instead?
  • I probably wouldn't either, but we were pretty cautious.  Our son is 3 months adjusted and we've probably only taken him out 5 times!
  • I wouldn't...esp. since they are not term...and as you point out yourself..Liana doesn't need any stress and a change in routine could REALLy stress her out.
  • mcdevmcdev member
    If it was anywhere else, I would say no. ?But I think your in-laws would be fine especially since there won't be a lot of other people there. ?Make sure your travel time is planned around their feeding times (anticipating holiday traffic) and have your diaper bag well prepared. ?Since you said your in-laws have been around the babies a lot already, I'm sure they know the "rules". ?Have fun!
    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
  • I took DD out to my parents' house for Christmas. She had only been home from the hospital for five days, and she was 36 weeks. I brought her bassinet, and she was fine just sleeping in that the whole day. She was only held for a minimal amount and we didn't stay long. This was also the middle of winter and the drive is about 45 minutes. I think it was harder on me honestly because I was soooo tired from only having a preemie home for five days, and I was also worried about her. She did great though. If you do decide to do it (which I don't see a problem with it at all), I would bring whatever they sleep in- such as a bassinet, if possible. The babies will probably sleep the whole time anyway. Just limit the stimuli surrounding the babies, and don't let anyone hold them.
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  • I was going to tell you that I would, but, remembering back, I know I wouldn't have gone. I was very uneasy about being in an environment I couldn't control at that time. Can they come to you and cookout at your place? Maybe they think they are making it easier not asking you to "host?"
  • id wait this one out and stay in. there will be plenty of time to take them out later when they are older and stronger. thats just me. i didn't take my 30 wkr out for a few months.

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
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