hello, we need to install the infant seat, it will go in the back seat passenger side. we have a latch system.
it doesn't look right though, the base is tilted and while it is showing that it is installed "correctly" (no orange is showing) it looks as though the baby is riding on a sliding board. what are we not doing right? i have an appt to have it checked but it's not for weeks.
Re: installing 2nd car seat????s
The infant seat should be installed behind the DRIVER, not the passenger. Your older child should be behind the passenger.
Is your seat level? I wouldn't worry about the base as long as it's level, and you seat looks right. And make sure it's tight........
This is my understanding too and how all my friends and fam w 2 car seats have theirs installed.
Most happen on the drivers side.
The inspection stations here will only install them the way that I said, the infant seat behind the driver and the older child behind the passenger.