
Oh help me! DD now asks why to everything?

She's about to find out how dumb her mom is. I feel bad saying because, but something of the things she asks, I just don't know the answer.
Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: Oh help me! DD now asks why to everything?

  • Nathan always asked why a lot.  Now he asks questions like "who taught the first teacher"  I just tell him to ask DH.  lol
  • I remember my mom's trick--she never said "I don't know" to anything.  She always said, "Let's see what the dictionary, encyclopedia, etc, says..."

    DD and I look up things on the computer almost daily.  Sometimes it's not because I don't know the answer, I just want her to "see" what I'm talking about.  Yesterday DD asked me what a "stepping stone" is.  Of course I could tell her what it is, but I also said, "Let's go find a picture of one."  So she hasn't figured out that when we look at the computer it's because there are some things I can't explain--she just thinks that's where we go to look at things.

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  • DD does too, and if we are in the car our out I just tell her I don't know we will have to find out later. If we are at home I will get on the computer with her and look it up.  If DH is home I tell her to ask him because he knows the most useless trivia Wink
  • Yes, I wonder how long that will last.  DD has been on this kick for over a year.  I tell dh she must be in journalism school and we don't know it...she has the 5 w's down!

  • we have been going through the why thing (why after why after why) for a couple of weeks now.
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