I am 21 weeks today and noticed that at the end of the day my feet feel swollen. I haven't experienced this before and was wondering if this is normal at this eary on or not?
I haven't been in hot weather since before I got PG, so I am wondering if the soaring temps (so rare for London!) had to do w/ swelling?? They don't have a/c in our flat nor the public transportation systems....ughhhh....
Anyone else swell early on?
Re: Swelling Common?
I had swelling starting at 16 weeks and it lasted until about a month after they were born.
The heat def. did make it worse. I lived in flip-flops bc they were the only shoes that fit.
My swelling was not related to blood pressure at all but in some women it can be so just make sure you keep an eye on your blood pressure. Drink lots of water to help and keep your feet above your heart as much as you can. I tried all of these and they didn't really help me though.
Good luck!
I was able to keep my wedding rings on the entire length of both previous pregnancies... but I've already had to take them off a few times this time because my fingers have swelled up!!! I think I need to concentrate on drinking more water.
If your feet get bad, you can ask someone to wrap their hands around your feet starting close to your toes, and very firmly push their hands up past your knee (while still wrapped around your ankle and leg). When done correctly this will be a little painful, but it works!!!
Ditto everyone else, it is common but you want to mention it to your provider so they can keep an eye on your BP & also your urine dips for protein. But the hot weather will aggravate it- I have not had any swelling in my legs but I do notice when I sit on our porch, with my feet up & everything, for an hour or so, my feet start to feel alittle more stiff-like and I come inside to the AC. Keep drinking water & you can use support hose to help but that is rough in the summer...
My swelling is in my hands & doesnt look huge but my fingers feel stiff all the time & I have developed carpal tunnel as a result that is making me crazy! So you never know where it'll happen I guess...
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