We just finished up about an hour ago. Overall the place is in good condition. The HVAC could stand to be replaced as it's 25 years old! There are def. some things the seller needs to fix or make concessions on the price so that I can get them taken care of. The other things are minor that I can handle and aren't needed right away. But, tell me why the h the master bedroom was missing the window screen. I completely didn't notice it before. I wowed the inspector and caught something he missed. He was really great and was patient, thorough and took time to explain things to me and answer my questions. Now I just need to talk things over with the REA.
I saw this when I pulled up.
Re: NPR: Had home inspection today
Awww, that is awesome.
You should ask the seller for a 2 year home warranty . That would cover the furnace (along with just about everything else) for 2 years until you could buy a new one.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
A one year home warranty is written into the contract (it was actually an incentive offered by the seller in their marketing of the home).
Thanks, peeps.