The other day, I was sitting here talking to my sitter. I had on capris and Ian was hiking up my pant legs and then pulling them back down. So I pointed to my knee and said "what's this?" and he said "knee"! And so we did that with feet, toes, etc. Then I pointed to my legs and said "so what are these?" and he said "STICKS!"
We couldn't stop laughing.
Re: Post something funny your kid has said lately HERE.
When I picked him up from school today, he had a dinosaur in his hand. He runs up to me screeching, "It's a parasaurolophus mommy!" Seriously?
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
He followed me into the bathroom this morning, closed the door (closing us both in), said "that's for privacy," and then went on to tell me that "you have a wittle 'badina, me and daddy got big penises."
Um, get out of the bathroom!
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Right now he calls me "honey", because that's what MH calls me.
Me calling: Jonathan??
Jonathan: Yes, honey?
SO funny.
Me with my littlest.
I was getting ready to run some errands and I asked DD to go grab her shoes. She said she didn't want to go with me, so I started singing, "i'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when i'll be back again." To which DD says, "Sounds good to me!!!"
Today while waiting for his snack he yelled "where's my snack already????!!!"
When he plays trains he always insists the trains on going to Iceland. The other day he added "and Greenland, too!" (I have no idea where he gets this)
He also keeps confusing his belly button and his penis, which I find hysterical for some reason.
DS does this too! When I was pregnant with DD and had the sexy pregnancy induced "outie" he always asked what was wrong with my penis and why was it so "wittle". After DD was born and still had her umbi. stump he'd ask, "What's wrong with her penis?"
Today he put on my bra over his shirt (and backwards) and said Mommy's boobs and laughted
About two weeks ago we were with my Mom and DS said about his stroller, Addie .go in there ,I go in there so my Mom was kidding and asked if she could go in the stroller too and he said, no you too fat - OMG, luckily my Mom is not overweight!
"but mommy I want to show the geeks we put my bed in Bwyan's room"
The geeks being DH's friends. ?
OMg, that is hilarious!
he once screamed across Target, 'Hi bubble butt'...that was nice.
out of nowhere (didn't even know he knew the word), i came downstairs dressed up and he looks up and says, "mommy, you look so boo-tiful" he gets extra M&Ms for that one, lol.
Our kitten got up on the countertop/breakfast bar yesterday. We're constantly shooing him off, and he's constantly getting back up. So Alex says to him, "Get off the counter, Frankie! Good grief!"
We're staying with my parents and my mom says "good grief" a lot.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
DS just told me while playing with the necklace that I have on, "I love your necklace! It's soooo crazy!"
This morning when I was on my treadmill he was watching and said, "You're doing awesome Mommy! You're really good at that!"
We were in Target last week and DS pointed and yelled, "Mommy, I see lots of boobies!!". We were next to the bra section. I had to explain to him that those are called bras and girls wear them on their boobies. Of course, then he started the, "I have bra for my boobies, TOO, PLEEEEASE?" Then I had to explain that boys don't have boobies, and he pulled up his shirt and pointed to his nipples, so I told girls have boobies and boys have nipples.
We were giving DS a bath that night adn I was telling DH the story and DH asked DS, "So... what do you have?" And DS said, "My have NICKELS, and Daddy has NICKELS too!". HIL-AR-IOUS. We are still cracking up about it. I almost wish we didn't correct him and get him to say nipples correctly b/c it was too funny
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
I've been trying to give DD1 two things to choose from whenever I can so she's easier to deal with. It was getting to be naptime yesterday and I told her she could go now or in five minutes. She looked at me, and said "That's not my choice!"
We were at the store the other day, grocery shopping, and this lady in front of us in line had a hacking cough. Ashlyn says "Mommy, is she sick?" really loudly, to which I replied "I don't know honey-I don't know her. She is coughing though." So Ashlyn says, "She's not covering her mouth Mommy. That's bad manners. We should tell her." Of course, the lady totally heard and I was mortified. She turns around and says to Ashlyn, "Excuse me honey-I forgot to cover my mouth. You're right, I should have." She was nice about it. Hoping it was over, I just smiled, and of course, Ashlyn says to her, "That's okay, Mommy isn't mad at you!"
me - 'DD, you need to be quiet now"
her - "Mommy, I will be quiet when I am done talking"
L and I were in BB&B the other day when he pointed to the candy at the checkout and said: "Mommy, wan that."
Me: "No, you don't need candy."
He stared at the male cashier for a minute & said: "Hey Boy."
Male Cashier: "yeah, Buddy?"
L: "you get me that candy right there pease?"
In the line at the grocery store, Keira asked, "What's this?" and pointed to a pack of gum. I said, "That's gum." So then she started looking at the packages:
(looking at one with a strawberry on it): "This is strawberry gum!"
Me: "That's right!"
(looking at one with a banana on it): "This is banana gum!"
Me: "That's right!"
(looking at one with cinnamon sticks on it): "This is hot dog gum!"
Me: *laughing hysterically*
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
We have had a few lately. My favorite was the night he started saying "by the way" - everything was "by the way mom, I want this" "by the way mom, I'm getting some supper" "mom, by the way, I love you"
A few days ago I was feeding DS2, and I snuggled him because he has a cold and DS1 says "Mom, I want a hug too" "Sorry buddy, I can't right this second because I'm feeding DS2. I will get him to bed in a couple of minutes and I can snuggle you then, okay?" him: "FINE - I'll just hug myself then!" And he wrapped his arms around himself and stuck his lower lip out to pout. It was so freaking cute I had to put DS2 down (and he proceeded to scream because you don NOT interrupt bottle time for him) and give him a hug.