What would you do?
I work from home -- going on 4 years now. My company is falling apart -- we are not winning anything new and 70% of our workers have left or been let go. So just in case, I worked for about a year to get a reciprocal teaching license in my new state...lots of $ to do it and lots of studying.
Also: In Sept., DS starts morning preschool, around the block from my house.
Would you:
1. Stay 'as is' for one more year? My company sucks, but my contract is till Oct. 2010. BUT not sure what would happen to my contract should my company go under. I work from home, which is a plus. I can take Sam to school in the morning and I have a sitter who comes from 12 to 4pm.
But...my sitter is a major pain in the butt. Too long of a story there. She's good to DS though. This woman makes me want to drink. A lot.
I get to run and bike on my lunch break...I do love that.
2. Start looking for a teaching job now and try to get something lined up by September. If I get a job, I will have to figure out how to get DS to preschool at 9am.
Summers off. But you know...teaching. It's a labor of love, that profession...
Re: Help me decide...
Christmas 2011