The ninja is still at the bottom of the list right now. I finally finished the afghan for my neice, but now I need to sew all those strips together and I've never done that before so I'm procrastinating. The pile of strips is sitting the in the corner of my bedroom, taunting me every night.
I cranked out a little clutch purse last weekend, and I made DS2 the bunny blanket lovie thing on the LB site. However, he's been sitting idle b/c I ran out of yarn for the ears and for 3 weeks the store's been out of stock. Nice, huh?
Re: dai
The ninja is still at the bottom of the list right now. I finally finished the afghan for my neice, but now I need to sew all those strips together and I've never done that before so I'm procrastinating. The pile of strips is sitting the in the corner of my bedroom, taunting me every night.
I cranked out a little clutch purse last weekend, and I made DS2 the bunny blanket lovie thing on the LB site. However, he's been sitting idle b/c I ran out of yarn for the ears and for 3 weeks the store's been out of stock. Nice, huh?
How about you?
No ninjas. Frog, 2 octofluffies, half a cactus garden, cupcake, Yoda, and 2 dresses for Sam, next up is an owl.
But I think tonight I might be sleeping instead lol