I'll ask the pedi at her 3 yr. apt. in a few weeks. Lately, she's been on the "I don't like, you, her, him" kick.
When I tell her we're going to meet someone (my friend and their kid who she's hung out with before) for a playdate, she'll say..."I don't like xyz". The other day, I told her we were going to pick up the new babysitter, wasn't she so nice? And dd said, "No, I don't like her". She says this about people she's never even met as well.
This morning, as we're eating cheerios, out of the blue, she says "mommy, sometimes I don't like you. Because I'm mad. But I'm not mad right now."
I like to think that I'm a friendly, outgoing and polite person. And all this negativity is making me paranoid that I'm going to have a not-so-nice kid!
Re: Normal toddler behavior?
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13