please help-before i go see our newest neighbor i want help with her name---
kiara (i would say key-air-a) but would that be right or do you think the parents went with key-are-a, or maybe just kira?
obviously i will ask them, but just wanted some opinions on that.
also-please refrain from Logan as a name choice-we now know 4 under the age of 5 either at daycare or the neighborhood and one actually has it spelled Logen. same names are so confusing for a little kid to learn who is who-Little Logan and Big Logan and Baby Logan gets a little old for this mom!
Re: pronunciation
that's a tough one, it could easily go either way.
i guess i would pronounce it: key-are (like the letter 'R')-uh.
my cousin's name is kierra and it's pronounced: key-air-uh.
I think its like this.
I disagree...I would think Keira would be keer-uh
Kiara- would be Key-are-uh
Kierra- would be Key-air-uh
this. good luck!