My fiance is driving me nuts with baby names, I love Caleb and Noah. He hates them!! He loves Emmett..and so does his family and they don't like Caleb or Noah..I don't like Emmett it might be growing on me..but my other son's name is Aiden Ryley..Aiden and Emmett I am just not sure how they go together. I just want a name already! How do you ladies think Emmett and Aiden go together..or if you have anyother ideas feel free to tell them to me
Re: grr
i think emmett and aiden go very well together, but if you don't like emmett, then it really doesn't matter.
i think emmett is cute. i like noah better than emmett.
YOu all need to leave everyone else out of it. Finding a name is hard enough as it is- stop sharing w/ his family or anyone else.
I like Noah, Caleb is o.k., I like Emmett, but.... that's a tricky name. But I think Emmett and Aiden are fine.