2nd Trimester

Would you register if...

this was your third child and you are not having a shower?  We were not planning to since we have few needs and those we have we planned to get ourselves.  Reading an earlier post got me thinking that I could register and I really dont have to tell anyone since we aren't expecting anyone to get us anything, but since BRU sends a coupon near the due date to complete your registry I could just get what we need with that coupon.  How does that sound?

Re: Would you register if...

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    I would just for the completion coupon and to keep track of things that I want/need
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    I did register but no one knows besides DH... I wanted the completion coupon, $5 off coupon, and the free AVENT bottle.  It was cute, they gave me two bottles and an extra $5 off coupon for the twins.
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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    I think its a good idea just for the coupon and to help you organize what you do actually need/want.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    i would register for coupons and more coupons...  its for you...
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    I would go for it, it is a way to same money and some ppl might want to get you something anyway.
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    I would do it for the coupons.
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    I started a "wish" list for my own personal purposes.  No one but DH and I know about it and it just keeps track of the things I think of that we may need.  Then we get the coupons in the end.

    And, as a bonus IF anyone asks you what you need you already know because you have been keeping a tally.  With DS whenever anyone asked what we needed I always drew a blank.

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    Ok, I planned on doing it for the reasons posted above, I just needed to hear from someone else that this was a good idea.  Thanks ladies.
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    The only reason I've considered doing a registry is so I had a list of everything I wanted to get this baby.  If I do end up doing one, I won't tell anyone about it.
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    I wondered the same thing...we are on baby number 3 as well. We planned to go at it alone....did not know BRU offered any special perks! Thank goodness for you moms!!! Smile
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