2nd Trimester

First trip to L&D...

Decided to go in last night at the urging of my mother, a women's health nurse practitioner, due to worsening lower abdominal cramping. The good news, I got to listen to and watch baby girl's heartbeat for a while, and it was perfect and wonderful. Bad news, I have a pretty yucky bladder infection.?

Re: First trip to L&D...

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    Oh man, glad you went in... BI are no fun!  Yeah for a healthy hb Smile
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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    Same happened to me, a yeast infection that was pretty undetectable... I always thought you might notice something like that, but there was never any pain or itchiness or anything... but when she went to check for dilation I literally screamed and started crying uncontrollably.  lol Fairly pathetic...

    But then they discovered the root of my pain, and kindly informed me that it was causing early labor (not what you want to hear at 24 weeks).

    Holy crap though, L&D is a scary place when you're not ready to be there!!  Hope you get the infection cleared up soon!

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    infections can cause premature labor...how scary! I hope the medicine they gave you kicks in soon and that you feel better soon!
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    Thanks ladies! I agree, it is a scary place when you aren't ready to be there! I had to sign forms for the baby too when I was getting registered. That made me cry. Thankfully, I haven't been too uncontrollably emotional during my pregnancy, but I did have a few crying spells last night while there. They checked my cervix and it's still completely closed and they didn't detect any actual contractions on the monitor - both really good signs.?
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