2nd Trimester

What's everybody having??

It seems like we've had a lot of boy posts lately!

So what's everybody having? ?Is boy as big of a majority as it feels??

Boy for me ;)?


EDIT: ?Go vote on the clicky poll above this post... so we can see results better ;)?

Re: What's everybody having??

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    I'm having a piece of dark chocolate and it's delicious.
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    A puppy. Kidding!

    We -think- girl. 2 out of 3 ultrasounds the tech guessed girl. So we're going to believe that until we see otherwise. ;)

    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    You should make a clicky poll.  More people would respond and you could actually see the percentages just for fun.  

    Girl here. 

    ***************************** Our beautiful daughter was born in October 2009. Turns out she was quite the miracle. After two years of TTC, diagnosed with DOR. A couple of failed treatment cycles later, we decided to let go of our hope for more biological children and explore adoption.
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    It really does seem like everyone's having a boy...
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    he is all boy...
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    a human baby...at least I hope. The aliens haven't visited me for a few months...I'll have to count back tho...


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    GIIIRRLL for me!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm curious, hope you don't mind I made a button poll above... I know when I had Harmon for our Cupid's Cuties Check In we estimated 2 boys for every 1 girl.  It was wierd!

    Anyhow I'm having both this time.

    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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    You should make a clicky poll. ?More people would respond and you could actually see the percentages just for fun. ?

    Girl here.?

    Good idea...How do I do a clicky poll? :)

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    Team Blue. And I agree.  It seems like a lot of boys lately.  My friend was telling me that a certain hormone/protein occurs during times of stress that causes people to have girls.  She said that in the months following 9/11 their was a higher majority of girls born.  Interesting... I guess we're all not stressed, right?  LOL
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    I'm curious, hope you don't mind I made a button poll above... I know when I had Harmon for our Cupid's Cuties Check In we estimated 2 boys for every 1 girl.? It was wierd!

    Anyhow I'm having both this time.

    You b!tch! You stole my post!

    Haha just kidding. ?Thanks! ?I don't know how to make a clicky poll, so that should make results easier to see ;) ??

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    I'll find out tomorrow!!!
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    Girl Big Smile... we just found out yesterday
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    I *thought* there were always more boys born than girls. Not a huge percentage more, but I was under the impression that is isn't 50/50. Something with males being riskier and more likely to have an untimely death, so naturally more boys are born??? Does that make any sense?

    I could be totally wrong though!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    Two surprises! :)
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    Find out tomorrow!! Cool
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    Same with me! (i stole your icon hehe) Untill I see a peen I'm saying girl! Just had the one ultrasound and tech said he didnt want to say for sure cause he felt the baby was young.
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    Team Pink here!
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