2nd Trimester

Recommend your camcorder please!

DH and I want to get a camcorder for when the LO is born and we are both a little technologically impaired.  Does anyone have a camcorder that they absolutely love (or one they hate and want to warn against)?  We are looking to spend no more than $350, if possible.  TIA!
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Re: Recommend your camcorder please!

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    I have the Sony handycam and it's awesome.
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    I have the Sony handycam and it's awesome.

    me too, it's so worth the money!  I love it!

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    If you're technologically impaired then I'd suggest getting a flip. We got them for some family members as they are idiot proof - even grandma can use it.


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    I have a Samsung....I absolutely love it. DH bought it for me for Christmas. I'm bad when it comes to anything technological but it's really easy to use. I guess it's always on sale at Best Buy, I know it was when DH bought it.....

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    Ours is Hitachi. I am not sure the model it's a couple years old but we LOVE it. It was more than $350 I think between the $400-$450 range if I remember correctly.
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    We have a JVC Everio and it's great. It uses an SDHC card instead of a DVD, etc. and I love it :-)
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    If you're technologically impaired then I'd suggest getting a flip. We got them for some family members as they are idiot proof - even grandma can use it.



    we're getting a flip as well...DH works for a video production company, so he's a big geek when it comes to this stuff, and he said for our purposes with the new baby, it'll be perfect.

    and, it'll record in HD as well, which was oh-so important to him... Geeked

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    We just got a flip and we love it.  We had another nice one for years but hardly ever used it because it was bigger and it was more work to download/watch the videos.  The flip is dummy-proof, relatively inexpensive considering it does movies in HD, and so tiny we take it everywhere.  
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    We just got a flip and we love it.  We had another nice one for years but hardly ever used it because it was bigger and it was more work to download/watch the videos.  The flip is dummy-proof, relatively inexpensive considering it does movies in HD, and so tiny we take it everywhere.  

    We are planning to get one of these too. 

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    We got a 30 gig JVC everio that stores on the hard drive.  We were able to get one at our local best buy, and though I usually don't like the store, they had one that was an open box special for $250.  We've been really satisified with it so far.
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