2nd Trimester

Would you want multiples?

So if you could choose, would you choose to have twins or more?  Would you rather have identical or fraternal twins?  Would you want them first or after you had a singleton?

I personally know that my body and my mind could not handle twins, but I know that there are many people who are more suited to it. I just couldn't imagine.  Oh and breastfeeding would just be crazy.  I can't imagine.  I think it would be harder to get adjusted to having twins after having a singleton and I always thought that identical twins are just very fascinating.  I had quite a few sets of friends in HS who were identical twins.



9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU                                                                                                                                    
Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w



Re: Would you want multiples?

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    I almost wish that this LO would have been twins. I know my husband is done after this one, but I could go for one more.
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    I'll take what I can get, but I'll always prefer singletons.
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    Heck no!  It's a lot of working taking care of one child when they're young, but two?!  Some people are cut out for it, but I don't think I am.
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    I had a dream early on in pregnancy that I was having triplets. I actually was really mentally preparing for this!! It wouldn't be too bad. I'd rather them be fraternal for their own sake-their own identities and what not. I wouldn't mind at all!
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    Want, no. But I would be grateful to have them if it happened, if that makes sense.
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    I am a fraternal twin and no way would i want twins!! Just cause it is alot of work and double everything..diapers to feedings...to catching colds..no way. But my sister is my best friend in the whole world and that is a great thing to have...the bonding experience when you are a twin!!
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    I would love to have twins.  I went from 0 kids to 3 kids overnight...literally we picked my stepdaughters up one night for visitation and they never went home...so I know I could handle it.

    Breast feeding would be nuts but hey.

    I wouldnt care if they were fraternal or identical-I think fraternal would be cooler, but I would love twin boys. 

    accordingtoabby.com" "From of suffering emerges the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars." Kahlil Gibran
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    I nannied for twins and they were so much fun!  Yes its a lot or work, but honestly its much easier than caring for a 2 or 3 year old and a baby because they're on the same schedule and doing the same sorts of activities!  I would have been thrilled with twins, but there are definitely reasons I'm glad we're only having one!
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    sgrlsgrl member

    I'm a fraternal twin (I have a twin brother). I think that I would like to have twins but my mom says that it is really hard because you don't have much one-on-one time with each baby - she said you don't get to rock/cuddle/play as much as you want because everything you do has to have a purpose - get baby A fed, get baby B fed, change baby A's diaper, etc. etc.

     I love being a twin though. We were never ever lonely.

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    ENevENev member

    No, I would never wish for multiples. DH and I were so relieved when this was only one!

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    I would have loved healthy twins - if they came first.  Now that we are having one, I'm not as sure that I would want twins my second go-round, but I'm sure I would still be thrilled.  As of now, I think two kids total might be our limit, but you never know!  Of course, there was always the dream of boy/girl twins the first shot and being done in one fell swoop.
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    My SIL has a set of twins. I would love a set...lol.

    They're great and I babysit/take care of them almost daily. Somedays I don't get anything done because they're twice as much work...but other days they're not any harder than one..it all depends.

    She has a boy/girl twins and I'd want the same. They were work at first because they were preterm and had feeding issues...but they're 9 months old fine now...except now they get into everything double! :)

    I love them though. I'm used to them. I also to babysit 2 sets of twins that were 18 months apart...that was work but still fun!

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    Maybe with my second but not my first!
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    One of my sisters had twins-one boy and one girl. I lived with them for a year and a half and while I love those kids dearly and seeing them grow up together has been awsome I would NEVER ask for multiples. Especially on my first time around. Double feedings, double diapers, double the bottles to wash...no thank you please!
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    It wasnt my ideal situation to have twins but now  that its happened and I have had time to process it, I am happy. I love the idea of my 2 babies growing up together. And since we only want to kids and it took us awhile to get pregnant, I am relieved that I don't have to go through TTC again.
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    RaeAntRaeAnt member
    We have twins that run on both sides, but we are just having 1 this time around. I was actually hoping for twins so I wouldn't have to do this again. We wanted at least two and that would certainly take care of it. I think I would prefer fraternal over identical. If there is a singleton and twins, I think the singleton would always feel left out a bit because the twins would have a bond that the singleton could share in. I'd almost feel like I'd need another singleton to try to even things out and I' don't mean number wise.
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    I have some friends who have quads. The first few years were incredibly difficult financially (devastating really), physically, emotionally (almost broke up), etc. Now the kids are older and can do more for themselves so things are going better. Several friends have twins--again, very difficult in all ways. I wouldn't want anything more than a singleton at a time--I know what I can handle and what my family can handle.
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    This is something DH and I actually discussed extensively as it was a very real possibility for us (we transferred 2 very good looking embryos for our IVF cycle).

    I think that there are definitely pros and cons but in the end we are happy that we are having a singleton.  Twins means double the expenses right up front and I'm not sure how we would have handled day care in particular.  It can also be a much more difficult pregnancy which scares the crap out of me.


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

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    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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    I never wished for multiples and it was quite the shocker. I never even considered it as a possibility. Now that we're expecting twins and it's had time to sink in we are thrilled. I am also absolutly terrified at the thought of having two newborns and a toddler...but I'll manage.
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    I didn't want multiples the first time around...one is already freaking me out right now.  My reason being is I have no experience with babies so just diving right into the deep end with more than one would be a little over-whelming.  If we were having twins right now I would definitely welcome it, but again, I'd be completely panic stricken.


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    NO, I didn't want multiples, but having IF has humbled me.  I feel so blessed to be able to have 3 kids.  We just didn't know if that would happen.  Yes, it will be insanity but heck you only live once Wink
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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    I'll take what I can get, but I'll always prefer singletons.


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    ...there was always the dream of boy/girl twins the first shot and being done in one fell swoop.


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    My husband and I prayed to have twins since it took us so long to start our family. We feel so blessed to be expecting two! But we love big families -- we wanted 5, so if we aren't able to conceive again at least we have a full family!
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    ablouablou member
    I think that we all are having the number of babies we were meant to have.  If we were to have twins, we would deal with it.  We're not, so we're dealing with that.  
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    There's a part of me that thinks it would be cool to have twins, but if I had the option to choose, I'd absolutely pick one baby at a time for a variety of reasons: cost (daycare for one here is $1,600 and we can't afford a SAH parent), higher risk pregnancy, logistics of breastfeeding, etc.


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
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    I am a fraternal twin and no way would i want twins!! Just cause it is alot of work and double everything..diapers to feedings...to catching colds..no way. But my sister is my best friend in the whole world and that is a great thing to have...the bonding experience when you are a twin!!

    Same!! I am a fraternal twin, twin sister is my best friend but I was scared this would be twins. 

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