2nd Trimester

Someone please help me get off my a** and clean. MIL arrives at 3...

and I just can't pull my but off the couch. I just got home from work. The house is still in a post moving boxed up mess and I don't have any desire to do anything about it.

This will be her first time visiting this house. 

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Re: Someone please help me get off my a** and clean. MIL arrives at 3...

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    My family is coming either late tomorrow night or Thursday morning and we're having friends over tomorrow after work and I have yet to finish cleaning my house or packing for the trip to Maine we leave for on Friday.  I can't believe how unmotivated I am these days!
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    My MIL came to visit us the first time the day we were moving in!  I still hear about how unorganized I was and how I didnt cook her dinner that night!

    I say get yourself looking/feeling great and dont worry about the house and boxes! You are pregnant and just moved so she cant expect much.  Then worry about feeding her:)

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    I know how you feel but the first time my MIL come to visit after we got here (I wasn't pg) and I cleaned and cleaned. I forgot to dust the laptop, and which she was here she asked DH to help her with something online and the first thing she did was run her finger along the laptop and say you should dust that.  I was so upset.
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