2nd Trimester

who gets the honor of taking care of your beloved pets?

When you go into labor? who is going to get the responsibility of taking care of your pets? my parents live out in the country and don't really understand that our Abby is a leash only dog and can't be off leash with out the fear of her taking off. Plus they will want to be at the hospital and don't really value animals like my hubby and I do. The other option is my best friend she understands Abby needs to be on leash, but she is beyond words busy and lives on the other side of the city, and will also be at the hospital with us, seeing as she is the godmother. my hubby's parents would be good at watching her, but I would feel terrible asking them to watch her. 

I don't even want to stay at the hospital over night anyway so we might not even need anyone to watch Abby.

What are your plans for your pets? 

Re: who gets the honor of taking care of your beloved pets?

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    LOL, oops, hadn't thought about this. Well I only have 1 sister who lives in town and she lives about 5 minutes from us so probably her.
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    My mom is going to be staying with us just before the baby's born and a few weeks after, so between she and DH they can go home and let her out, feed her, love her, etc.  If Little Man comes early before Mom gets here, we'll take her to my in-laws who live less than 2 miles from the hospital. 

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    We only have two cats. We can put them on self feeding for the time. We also live close to the hospital so someone can check on them. Probably DH, since he might have to go to the house for things anyway.
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    Hmm... my parents have a huge fenced front yard, so we'll probably leave them there. However, we left the pups there while we were on vacation last week, and it was at the end of their monthly flea treatment, so they came home COVERED with fleas from the front yard, and DH and I had to spray the house, bathe them and give them the drops.  I would hate to have to deal with that when we get home from the hospital.
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    Luckily, my cats can survive on a big bowl of food and water and a clean litter box.  Don't really need to worry about that unless something happens and we end up staying at the hospital longer than expected.
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    My dad and brother are coming to stay at my house.
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    Maybe my mom, but I'm also planning to ask our neighbors.  
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    sgrlsgrl member
    We have cats, we'll just leave some extra food for them. I'm sure I'll be yelling at my husband to clean the litterboxes as I'm having contractions! (as in, before we walk out the door to go to the hospital!)
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    My parents are taking care of our dog and offered to keep him for a week so we can get settled. I don't think I can leave him there that long though when I know we'll be home

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    my mom was here the first time around-but dh came home at night and during the day for a break.  we are only 10 minutes from the hospital so not too hard to come home quick to take care of them etc.   this time will probably have some neighbors on stand by
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    probably my inlaws. They are great, and love my dog. They had a bulldog before so they know all about her. We also have a neighbor that used to be a dog walker, and we have a service as well that comes and walks Roxy every once in a while.

    If DH is deployed, I will def have the dog walker service come!

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    Our cats will be fine with a bunch of food, water and a clean litter box.  Our neighbor will take care of walking, feeding and loving our dog.  He has done this on several occasions is we go out of town for a fay or two....anything longer that she will go to the "pet resort"

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    EMTXEMTX member
    Probably our friends (another couple) who also has a dog. We watch theirs when they're out of town and vice versa.

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    My MIL and DH's aunt and uncle are all dog people and know my Roxie pretty well so between the three of them it shouldn't be a problem... thanks for reminding me to ask them though! LOL
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    Since the hospital is 5-10 minutes away depending on traffic, DH will continue all responsibilities.  If it's too long of a labor, we'll probably have BIL run over and let the dog out.  Honestly, he'll probably be in his kennel unless the person taking care of our other two kids does it at our house.  If we have to drop them off somewhere, he'll be in his kennel just as he is anytime we aren't at home.  Either DH or BIL will come by to let him out and feed him. 
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    Good Luck! Any neighbors?

    My mom and dad will come and get our dog after we leave for the hosp. and find out we are actually staying.

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    Luckily for us, all of our friends LOVE our dog ... so I don't think it will be hard to find someone to come over and stay with him. Also, our families may/may not be staying here ... once I am released from the hospital, they will definitely be at a hotel ... but until then, if they want to stay here, we don't mind.  If that's the case, our pup will just enjoy their company.  We will see though!
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    I hadnt thought about this either.  I will probably set up my best friend to do it, or our neighbor-we're realy close friends with him. 

    My dog has a dog door and dog run off the back of the house so she will only need food and water-no walks etc, she will be fine.  The cat will need food/water.   

    accordingtoabby.com" "From of suffering emerges the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars." Kahlil Gibran
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    RaeAntRaeAnt member
    I've already asked Dh about this. We in a different state from everyone..yes everyone. The only thing would possibly be with a guy he works with who's puppy sat for us before, though if we have to go in the middle of the night, not so much an option. The other one was trying to have my mom down here for Christmas and the baby. She'd stay at the house with the dogs until the baby was born, Dh would come back and get her to visit me and the baby and then back again. The hesitation with that is HER dogs. The one,a 14 yr lab, isn't so physical ok. The last time he was boarded, they didn't maintain his activity level. So when he came home it was hard to get his strength back up til he was readily mobile again.
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    We are either going to call one of DH's friends, or his boss, who lives super close and has dog-sat for us before.
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    my dog now lives at my parents' house.
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    We haven't discussed this yet, but I'm hoping my mom will take care of our dog.
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    We have 2 cats, so thankfully they are very?self-sufficient. ?We can just leave out some fresh water and a big bowl of food and they'll be fine. ?My only concern is the litter box, which DH is going to have to change as we are leaving for the hospital. ?Thankfully he is a pro at that and is really quick when he needs to be!!! ?If we REALLY get stuck, I have a friend that lives in my apartment building that has already said he will gladly take care of the cats while we are gone!
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    everytime we go out of town, the boys next door take care of our cat, so i would imagine they'll be willing to keep an eye on him again.

    he's pretty low maintenance, but i'd like someone to come over & just make sure he hasn't puked all over the couch or something.  that would NOT be a good welcome home present.

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    Our cats are pretty self-sufficient.  We'll just refill their food and water and clean their litter boxes and they'll be good to go for a few days

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    Husband will go home and feed our kitties twice a day. I don't know if he will be staying at the hospital with me over night or not. He is a very light sleeper and I would rather have him rested (while he can) and not grumpy than sleeping in a pull chair in the same room.
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