Have you all given any thought as to where you will send DC to school? I went to a catholic grammar school and high school. However, now seeing the cost of tuition, I'm not sure if I'll be able to send DC to a private school. Anyone else in this dilemma?
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Re: Private vs. Public
i'm hoping we can get the boys into one of the good charter schools - lusher or the international school or somewhere like that. even though my husband and i both work for the archdiocese (and he works for a school) it's highly unlikely we'll be able to afford to send them to one.
it helps a lot that we live in orleans parish, i have to admit, because of the charter schools.
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This is a constant topic of discussion at our house. We have NOOOOO idea what we are going to do. My dh went to public and I went to private (catholic). While I feel that their are benifits to both, the private schools definately have a better environment. At the moment we are hoping to be able to put her in a magnet public school. That is, if she can test into it. Private schools are VERY expensive and many do not have fully certified teachers because they do not pay worth a hoot.
We really do not know what to do, I am glad you posted this and I hope others will reply with their thoughts!
While we don't have children yet and aren't planning on it anytime soon, we both went to public schools until high school. Then I went to Catholic school and he went to a Christian school. Depending on the area we live in when we have children, we will probably do the same thing when we have kids. I know on greatschools.net, you can check out how parents rate the schools that their children attend, which is helpful. Some students and former students even post. Also, since we're pretty young (I'm 5 years out of HS; he is 8 years out), we look back and consider where our smart, well-rounded friends went to school and look at those schools to consider possible future tuitions, etc.
LOL I must seem crazy for considering all this without being close to TTC, but I am really OCD and overplan/analyze everything, especially regarding the little people that we will one day bring into the world.
I'm sure you will make a great decision for your LO (he is precious, BTW). Luckily, he is still young enough and you are thinking about it early enough that you can begin saving and altering your spending to make sure that he has valuable educational experiences. If you need more money advice on the matter, a lot of the women on the Nest's Money Matters board could probably offer some good pointers.