2nd Trimester

Belly Pics- How far along?

How far along were you/ will you be when you do your belly pics? I want to do them, but I need to book my photographer soon, and I want to look as cute/pregnant as possible (as opposed to right now where I look fat/pregnant, or later when I look about to pop/pregnant)
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Re: Belly Pics- How far along?

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    I would aim for between 6-7 months. As a photographer we like our ladies to look nice and pregnant, but not all huge and swollen and so 6-7 months is usually a good time for that. Trust me, you don't want to look back at your pictures and think "man I was huge!!"
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    I am doing my own pictures since I have my own studio set up and I totally thought I would be able to do them by now since im almost 7 months but I still dont like my bump. ?its not all round and cute like some of these other girls, that could be because I wasnt super skinny before I got pregnant. ?So it kinda depends on your body type and how your stomach is growing. ?I have to do mine in the next month so I can send out my invites so my stomach better figure it out, or I wont be taking them in time for the invites and they will just be for me.
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    Last time when I did them I was 33 weeks...

    My sister did ours at our home... here's a link https://thewallisers.shutterfly.com/708

    1/8/12 Confection Shrug Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    I am scheduling mine for around 32 weeks. I am almost 27 weeks, and my stomach has just started rounding out and I look pregnant, but I don't feel that I will get the belly "look" that you see for those great maternity shots for at least another month or so. We'll see! 
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