2nd Trimester

How bold is this???

I started at my job over a year and a half ago.... After a year I asked for a raise and was granted one but because we were tight on money I made the following offer "what if I take my raise by taking a day off and only work 4 days" Boss said yes. So for about a year now I have been working 4 days a week at full salary...

Here's the question. I would like to go to a 2 day work week after maternity leave is up. I want to ask if I can switch to 2 days and stay at the same salary as long as I can get all my work done. There are somethings I could do from home as well (things that need to be done right away)

 Too Ballsy???????

Re: How bold is this???

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    That's pretty ballsy, especially in this economy.

    Basically you're asking for 40 hours of wages to be paid for 16 hours of work?

    Not to be harsh, but I would laugh in your face if I were your boss.

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    what kind of work do you do?  Is it a large or small company??

    1/8/12 Confection Shrug Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    that's like asking for a 50% raise! So I would think unless you are planning to work from home the other 2 days, the answer will not be what you want to hear.
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    I think that's a pretty unreasonable request.  Honestly, if you can get your work done in two days, then they may say great, you can go part time and we can pay you less.

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    Maybe just ask to work from home 2 days instead.  I work from home full time and so when I am done "early" it works out but I wouldnt state it like that!
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    what kind of work do you do?  Is it a large or small company??

    It's a small, family owned business (not alot of employees) but it's a couple million dollar company.....
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    I wish I had balls to do that.  I'm even leery of asking to go to 4 days a week in the office and working from home 1 day a week.  Good luck.....
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    We have over 30 employees (and growing...) and this would be a problem for us. It would also set an example I don't think we would want.

    Could you frame it differently. Instead of making it sound like you want 40 hour wages for 16 hours of work (which is what it sounds like in your post) start by asking if you could come back and work one of your 4 days at home. After a set period of time could that be moved to 2 days at home if it is working for all parties? Perhaps after 3 months?

    I'm still not sure we would go for this but we would want to. Ask yourself ahead of time if you would be willing to take a pay cut to do this. Don't offer but they might put it out there.

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    what kind of work do you do?  Is it a large or small company??

    It's a small, family owned business (not alot of employees) but it's a couple million dollar company.....

    In that case... you might have a chance.  I'd probably offer to work from home the other 2 days though if your original response from your boss is negative...

    1/8/12 Confection Shrug Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    Basically you're asking for 40 hours of wages to be paid for 16 hours of work?

    Yeah Embarrassed
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    Well it depends on how valuable you are.  If you were my employee... I would be rethinking your worth b/c if you can do all your work in only 2 days that means you need more work to justify your salary.

    I did have my top salesperson get away with a schedule like that starting this month but he brings in 8 sales a month which is unheard of in this housing market and even though he is just working 3 days a week he is still keeping his numbers almost as high... but you know you have to be VERY valuable for at least me to agree to something like that.

    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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    what kind of work do you do?  Is it a large or small company??

    It's a small, family owned business (not alot of employees) but it's a couple million dollar company.....

    In that case... you might have a chance.  I'd probably offer to work from home the other 2 days though if your original response from your boss is negative...

    Yeah, it's a really weird office/company. People get paid grunches of money (of course not me) to do alot of nothing...they come and go as they please and it's very laid back here.....still don't know if I should risk asking the question because they might think (previous post) that hell if she can do all of her work in 2 days then why dont we let her go and hire someone part time for less money (i don't think this would happen because it's a family owned business and they're not like that but who knows?!)
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     Too Ballsy???????

    You can always ask for something like this and they counter offer. In this way you'll meet somewhere in the middle.  This all depends if you're working for an enterprise or a mom and pop biz.  I dont' have enough background to decipher whether this is an unreasonable request or not.  After all, you said you would be completing all required  work.  

    In the end, ask yourself how essential are you to the company?  and why would any employer be willing to extend this courtesy to you?  Also, how feasible is it for them to go out and just find someone else that does your job for less money?

    This economy is a little shaky - just make sure that its not an unreasonable request versus "ballsy".

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    I don't think this is a good idea. In this economy, they could easily train someone new to be there for 5 days a week and get paid less than you.
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    I would be straight pissed if I was your boss.

    My question for you would be: how is it that you'll be able to do the same amount of work in half the time it now takes you?

    There's no good answer to this. Either you have to admit you really only put in about two days of real work now and can still get everything done post-baby or you will have to admit you'll be cutting back a lot of your productivity.

    It's a crazy proposal. If you want to go part-time, ask about that, but be prepared for a substantial reduction in salary.

    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
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