2nd Trimester

Setting up the baby's room...

I am itching to start setting up the baby's room/crib/furniture but I feel like it's too early at 23 weeks. Any thoughts or opinions?

Re: Setting up the baby's room...

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    Why wouldn't you??  Especially if you already have the items purchased.

    I say go for it... especially while you are more able to do things... it gets harder and you need more help the farther along you get.

    1/8/12 Confection Shrug Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    I'm sure some people would say it's too early.  But I've had several friends lately who have been put on bedrest and two other friends delivered 3 weeks early and 4 weeks early.  So, they have all told me to do whatever you can as early as you feel comfortable b/c you just never know when the baby will make it's debut.  I personally would rather look at a finished room and be waiting on baby rather than rushing at the end to finish it when I'm huge!!
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    I say do it! My son came early (34 weeks) and I had nothing prepared. Better to be prepared than rushing around at the last minute!

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    It's not too early. We just painted and are going to put up the crib/changing table/dresser this weekend to celebrate V-day.

    I say get as much done now before you're too tired/unable to get around as well.

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    I'd do it early.

    We're waiting for the dresser to be picked up, but I plan on having the nursery done in the next two weeks or so.

    Here's the thing -- I'll be working 40+ hours throughout 3rd tri, plus less energy, plus all the other "nesting" things I want to do.  So having the nursery set is one more thing to check off my list.

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    That's what I was thinking. I would rather have a finished room and downtime at the end of the pregnancy rather than rushing to get it done.
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    Mine would be done already if I didn't have to order new carpet and have to deal with doctors restrictions! BUT! carpet is finally in and will be installed next week (hopefully) so then I can start doing little bits at a time. woop :)

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

    Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken

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    Im planning to have the nursery done by 28 weeks in case I go on bedrest
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    I would set up everything you had.  The only thing that I think I would wait on are the linens...I wouldn't want them just sitting out for the next 17 weeks +/- and then putting the LO on them.  Or if I were to set up the bedding early I would probably wash it again prior to putting the baby in it.  I'm anal like that though.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    go for it!
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    I tend to be really organized and get stuff off of my to do list! We have to convert the guest room/office of our little 2 bed apt to a baby's room, so we've gotten started already. Moving DH's clothes out of the guest bedroom closet and into new dressers from IKEA in our room, moving the TV and extra "stuff" into storage. We only have our lease til March and LO is due in mid-December, so we probably won't do too much to the nursery. We want to get a house ASAP. Plus, I am not sure what people end up getting for shower gifts, and what we'll have to purchase on our own, and that part that I can't plan for is driving me crazy :)
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    I'm just slowly collecting things and piling them in the room. No furniture yet, just odds and ends. I don't see anything wrong with starting early!
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