#1) can't think of her nest name, but she had a super cute green-eyed daughter named Ava? Lived in (I think) Connecticut, had a fabulous NYC wedding? I think her Nest name might have had bride in it??
#2) Teeny tiny baby spanker woman. Was there ever any fallout/followup?
Darn. There was a 3rd and now I can't remember who I was going to ask about.
Re: Whatever happened to...
You mean you forgot to ask about HarvestJoy?
#1 was OctoberbrideNYC (or similar), but I don't know where she is. It has been quite awhile now, but she did come on one day and say hi.
Yes! thank you, joseys. I'm getting old. I forget stuff.
yep, Octoberbride is #1, she is having #2, or maybe had it by now? She hasn't been on for a while. That Ava is gorgeous.