
Anyone's DC have to do speech/eating therapy?

DS had his follow up swallow study yesterday and still has to have honey thick liquids.  He showed zero improvement since 4 months ago.  He does great with solids, but aspirates on liquids.  And he is talking, very well for his age.  So they want to start some kind of therapy to strengthen his throat muscles.  I'm not really sure what that entails, or if it's speech therapy, occupational, or what.  I'm just a little confused since he is eating and talking ok that there might be a different issue.  But when they did his tubes they also looked down his throat and everything looked ok.  Just grasping at straws here to see if anyone else has any experience.

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Re: Anyone's DC have to do speech/eating therapy?

  • aw poor little guy. I'm sorry I don't have any advice, but I hope the therapy helps!
  • We don't have the same issues but my guys are getting speech therapy, Occupational therapy and are attending an outpatient feeding clinic at Mt. Washington Hospital in Baltimore.  Once they make the top of the waiting list and are down to one nap a day they may probably also attend the daycare there which is strictly devoted to feeding issues.  The boys have feeding tubes in their bellies, oral aversions, sensory delay all because of very severe reflux.  They don't really eat by mouth.
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  • DS has to see a feeding therapist.  It isn't set up yet but will be soon.  He has a super big gag reflex and we have not been able to get him to eat any solids yet.  I think it may have developed from the awful reflux.  I have no idea what is entails, but it is given through the OT/speech therapy dept at our children's hospital. 
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