1st Trimester

Do your hips widen this early? (stupid question alert!)

I bought a bella band and finally caved and wore it on Sunday with some jeans.  I was WONDERFUL!

I am 10 weeks, have gained ZERO pounds, am bloated all in my stomach area (I know you all feel my pain, ha ha), but nothing else.  Why don't my jeans fit?  This is a skinnier pair, but I seriously could not get them butttoned (hence the Bella Band).

So, a few (stupid) questions:

1.  Is my stomach just big due to bloat?

2.  Supposedly my little one is the size of a lime now...  Any chance it's pushed other organs up or something to make my jeans not fit? In other words, am I "showing" due to other organs? (I know the baby's too small)

3.  Is there any chance that my hips are widening already?  I know that the hormones that do that are already working on the rest of my body, so is that out of the question or no? I guess that could be why my jeans can't button?

Re: Do your hips widen this early? (stupid question alert!)

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    Even though the munchkin is only the size of a lime, your uterus is much larger than that... I'm not sure what is comparable at 10 weeks but I'm sure it would be easy enough to look up. Not sure if that helps much :)
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    Yeah, from what I understand it's mostly the increased size of your uterus, which is pushing up into your belly, and bloating that causes that problem in the early stages.
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    1.  Yes, probably just bloat at this point.  It'll change over to a real baby bump in the weeks ahead.

    2.  Well, things will be "rearranged" as you go further along but it's probably the bloat that is causing your jeans not to fit at this point.  Check this out to see how the organs move as the baby grows:  https://www.umm.edu/pregnancy/000088.htm

    3.  I've been wondering this too.  With my first pregnancy, my hips ached (really, really ached) from about 20 weeks on.  This time, I swear, sore achy hips were my first symptom.  In fact it's what made me test.  It seems way too early for hips to be widening, but I guess not? 

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     I hear you loud and clear.  I am just a few days behind you and I have gained about 5 pounds. Its not a whole lot and I should be able to wear most of my clothes comfortably still, but no such luck.  Here is what the books I have been reading say:

    1. When you are pregnant some weight can be redistributed to your waist line in order to protect baby. 

    2. Your uterus is growing and should be about double the size it usually is around week 10. 

    3. Not much to be said about hips widening, but I got a good look in a full length mirror this weekend and realized that my hips are spreading.  I look so much wider than I was before I got pregnant.


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