
MoMs to Be Monday Check-In

  --------~*~----MoMs to Be Check-in June 29----~*~--------   I will post Mon, Wed, and Fri. I will also try to keep an updated link to the most recent post in my siggy.     ****Newest Arrivals*****   Did you have your baby? If you have a birth story to share please post a link and I?ll add it in this section.   Congrats to zoobaby on her boy/girl twins born 6/21!!! Her Birth Story Congrats to the-anti-bride on the birth of her Boys on 6/24!!! Congrats to jennyvag on the birth of her Boys on 6/22!!!  Her Birth Story Congrats on your girls debisheldon! Congrats to Goldie_Locks_5 who gave birth by c/s to Grayson (6lb6oz) and Gibson (7lb15.6oz) on 6/15 at 38w1d!!! Goldie's Birth Story Congrats to pekabluhm who gave birth by c/s to August (4lb6oz )and   William (2lb 15oz) on Tuesday 6/9 at nearly 33 weeks!! Congrats to daveNmissy!!!!!  _____________________________________________________________ Here?s a list of all our mamas in order of due date: *Please let me know if I missed anyone or if you?d like to be added to the list*   7.1.09        Jordanacx5               Boy/Girl!                   Panda53321            Surprise! 7.2.09         MoMandA 7.11.09       lavbar 7.14.09       janjag                    Girls! 7.20.09       ktsbella                    Boys!                   malex                   NikkiDave221         Girls! 7.21.09       LoveEeyore             Boy/Girl! 7.23.09       KAG30                   Girls! 7.29.09       pekabluhm               Boys! 7.31.09       blairsgirl                  Girls! 8.5.09         HHD3                      Girls! 8.7.09         lisa&andy                Boy/Girl! 8.10.09       ccctwins                    Boy/Girl! 8.16.09        JPW2006                   Boys! 8.21.09       times2                      Girls! 8.24.09       mcf100981              Girls! 8.27.09       Kim777                   Boys! 8.28.09       n&d+2                    Boys! 8.31.09       CheeckyLilMoo      Girls! 9.1.09         mish56                    Boy/Girl!                  sara1014                  Boy/Girl! 9.3.09         gumiberg                 Boy/Girl! 9.5.09         groovygrl                Boy/Girl! 9.8.09         zschick4ever           Boy/? !                    Carissa mom           Girls! 9.21.09       LoveTravel 9.27.09       parsley queen          Girls!                    Mighty&Mousy      Boy/Girl! 9.28.09       jmubride2                Girls!                   MrsBee10                Boys! 9.29.09       altbride23                Girls! 10.1.09       nsgriff                     Girls! 10.3.09       MarcieCasavant     Boy/Boy/Girl Triplets!!! 10.4.09       Bearfootz                Boy/Girl! 10.6.09       huskerchica            Goy/Girl! 10.9.09        sfitz0711                 Girls!                   Shannon&Alan       Girls! 10.13.09      Mrs.Babbsy               Girls! 10.14.09     dec13th                   Boy/Girl!   10.19.09      tsalsberry                          NewMommy2BeFinally    Girls! 10.21.09      lgurian                    Boys! 10.22.09       Danse                     It?s a surprise! 10.24.09      lalalauren926           Boys!                   Carder0716           10.25.09     *francisca*             Boy/Girl! 10.27.09      crc143                   Boy/Girl!                   Vkbaby09               Boys! 10.31.09      MrsEABarton        Boys! 11.2.09        Mrs.Burdick  11.5.09        RoseWhite            Boys!                    debra_lynn 11.9.09        Shannon&Joe         Boys! 11.11.09       kdbennet              Boys! 11.12.09      atc282                    Girls! 11.16.09      missjennlopez        Boys! 11.19.09      allinduetime           Boy/Girl! 11.23.09      mander1383           11.25.09      jenm1999            11.27.09      finallyreilly           Boy/Girl!                   12.3.09        trieulam    12.4.09        j.h.mommy              12.6.09        andigroves    12.7.09        MarwrtyrB                              Dana127         12.18.09      TiffLee76                 12.19.09      futuremom2b                   UnwritteN223 12.24.09     Aussie*s_Mom 12.25.09      marriedayooper   12.30.09      Mari0221                    Shannonlea                    nolachick11 1.10.10         blossom 1.15.10        bunney                    Jojojojo                   trc~ttc#1                   jacobandcrystal 1.16.10       charliejoy18                   The_Babes 1.25.10       lulugirl 1.26.10       schen0510 1.29.10       diasybride78 2.12.10       m_n_mwedding _____________________________________________________________  Anything new that you'd like to share? New appt? Did you find out the sexes? You may have to Highlight and scroll down to view question, as it is often cut off due to the size of the list.                                                          *Today?s Question* What is your biggest parenting pet peeve?
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Re: MoMs to Be Monday Check-In

  • First of all I'm sorry that there was no check-in on Friday. I'm having some issues with exhaustion..I suspect I've become anemic. I've really been having a hard time with everyday things. I'm going to the OB on Thursday and I'm hoping to figure it out then.

    Q: I have so many parenting pet peeves. It drives me crazy when the pacifier or bottle is used way too long. Children not being properly buckled in the carseat drives me nut...the buckle goes at the chest people..not the waist! I see that all the time. Also, letting your young children run wild in a gorcery store or walmart is really annoying and probably not safe for them.

    Congrats on all the new arrivals!

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  • I would like to be added to the list! My due date is Jan 15th!?

    Q: When people say things that are not the nicest when they find out you are having twins/multiples.

    i.e. "What are you going to DO?" or "Glad it's you, not me"?

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  • Oops! Didn't see the word parenting! Sorry about that- I guess when people smack their children and scream obscenities at them in public.?

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  • Nothing incredibly new here.  We went to the doctor on Friday and he put me in for an u/s because of some minor bleeding (which lasted all of about 30 seconds).  We saw both beautiful heartbeats and Baby B decided to wake up and move around for us.  It was so amazing!  this was the first time DH was there for an u/s and it totally made it real for him.  He could not keep his eyes off the monitor.

    QOTD:  I think my biggest pet peeve is allowing babies to go out and about in just a t-shirt and a diaper.  That drives me nuts!!!

  • Nothing new here - going back to the OB on Thursday.  Really hoping that they can confirm that our suspected girl (Baby A) is a girl.  It has been really hard know that Baby B is a boy and not know what Baby A is.

    One of my pet peeves is when parents consistently make false threats of punishment - do it or quit threatening. 

  • Strangers are finally starting to talk to me about my pregnancy, which is exciting.  Just simple comments and nothing annoying yet! 


    I hate it when parents don't discontinue pacifiers..  I also hate it when parents don't follow through on what they tell their kids, whether it be a promise to do something or a threat of punishment.  Kids are smart!  They remember!

  • We had our last U/S on Thursday and our first NST. The babies weighed 5 lbs 3 oz and 5 lbs 6 oz, which is fantastic. Cervix was closed and no contractions yet. I think the nesting kicked in last night.

    QOTD: I did a double take on my lunch break today when I saw a dad running with his child in the stroller. It was 12:30 p.m., 90 degrees and he was running on to our 3.6-mile bridge (pedestrian friendly).  It is way too hot and sunny for a child to be out right now. 


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  • QOTD: Most of my pet peeves are noticed when I'm shopping. I can't stand when parents don't pay attention to their kids and they're practically falling out of shopping carts, or don't bother holding their hands when they are in the parking lot.  I also cannot stand to hear a parent scream at a kid, especially if they are YELLING at their kids for being too loud or embarressing them.  It's one thing if they are trying to discipline them, but sometimes I think parents have way too high of expectations for children based on their you don't take a kid down the toy aisle without expecting them to ask for something.  I plan to rely on my mom to babysit when I need to shop.

    But I think my biggest pet peeve is seeing a parent smoking while their kids are in the car, or at the same table/booth at a restaurant.  I used to be a smoker myself, but would never do it around a child. That just breaks my heart. 

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • I am having bi-weekly NSTs and a weekly AFI. I am still not induceable and planning to be pregnant forever.

    My pet peeve is people who smoke while holding their children.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Please change my due date to 1/18/10.

    This week was a hard one as you all know from my multiple posts about the wicked NP at my OB office. I am searching for a new practice in the meantime. I have my first trimester screening next week so I am looking forward to seeing the babies again!

    Q: My parenting pet peeve is seeing parents smoking while they are holding their kids, walking with them at the zoo (where there are TONs of children) or in a car with them and the windows rolled up!!! Just makes me crazy.

  • Mine is being stuck in public places like a restaurant and the mothers in an adjoining table is doing nothing with their screaming tot.  One time I even had a set of twins playing tag underneath my table at the Luxor hotel.  Yes I am a tot mom, yes I know it is hard, but GET OVER IT!  You do not have the right to ruin someone else's meal.
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • I went to the OB on Friday. -3lbs from 2 weeks ago. I attribute that to eating better. Still have a little pain in my L side from the cyst on my ovary, but nothing I can't handle. I have another appt in 2 weeks to see my actual doctor instead of the NP. I still have alot of questions about my pregnancy now that its twins instead of just 1. I have a call in to see a nutritionist as well. I had to make sure that it was covered by my insurance before I set up an appt.

    Q: Inconsistent parents. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you tell your child if they don't listen to you that you will punish them, DO IT! Also, when infants have pacifiers in their mouths for no reason. My nephew has one in his mouth at all times. If he doesn't he fusses until he gets one. He gets mad if you take the extra one away that he always carries in his hand too. Also, when one parent punishes the child and then the other goes and tells him that he is ok and that he shouldn't be in trouble. Its called being parents. you have to back each other up otherwise they will run all over you!

  • nothing new here, except uncomfortable and swollen. We are on weekly checkups and I had to reschedule my appointment from today to tomorrow.

     QOTD: I hate parents that don't pay attention to their kids in a parking, letting them run around while there are cars going by or backing out. Oh and the parent I saw last week that were driving around and their 3 or 4 year old in the backseat of a Jeep Wrangler with the windows and top down and the kid was turned facing backwards hanging over the backseat with no seatbelt, waving at cars. The smoking and kids that are still using bottles when they should be on sippy cups, make me shake my head.

    Our Blog TTC since 10/2004 Follistim+Ovidril+Metformin=BFP on 12/8/08 2 heartbeats-12/30/08 Betas- 10DPO-104 12DPO-274 Photobucket Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • As you know, we lost Baby A. It has been a rough weekend. I am still carrying twins although I won't bring home twins. I still really need this board and thank you for your support.

  • Well we moved to a new town this weekend, so I've kind of been living in fear of spotting/cramping with everything that needed to be done, but so far so good! 

    My parenting pet peeve is when people swear to their kids.  At the zoo a few weeks ago a woman yelled at her baby who looked to be maybe a young 2 at MOST "That's it, I'm gonna tell Daddy you're listening like sh*t".  The toddler didn't even look old enough to really understand how to "behave" yet!

     kdbennett:  I'm so sorry about your Baby A : (  I always loved seeing that pic that looked like he/she was waving to everyone!

  • imagekdbennett:

    As you know, we lost Baby A. It has been a rough weekend. I am still carrying twins although I won't bring home twins. I still really need this board and thank you for your support.

    I just wanted to let you know that how sorry I am that you are going through all of this. We are praying for you and your family. I'm glad that you're sticking on this board bacause otherwise I'd miss you. :) If you ever need anything, I'm pretty sure I can say that all of us mamas are here for you.
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  • Can you add me to the list. ?My due date is 1/6/10. ?

    Biggest Pet Peeve? ?I have lots but I'll pick just one. ?When people are out in Walmart at 10pm at night with small children who are clearly tired and cranky as teh shop the halls. ?Get those babies home and in bed!!!?

  • Just returned from our "babymoon" vaycay in Madeira (portugese island in the Atlantic)---wow!!!--that was sooooo amazing and relaxing!! Glad we got the chance to do a last trip, especially since I am about to leave for the US and be apart from my DH for the next 4 months :(


    QOTD:  As a former teacher, I gotta say an annoying parenting pet peeve is when they think/assume that their child can "do no wrong." I understand a parent has pride for their children, but to think that they aren't guilty of wrongdoing at any time is naive, especially when they're treating other children wrong or are in being disrespectful.

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