Last Friday my work COMPLETELY surprised me with a baby shower. They even snuck my hubby in!
All the execs went in on a gift card ($300 -- whoa!!!), so I sent around a nice thank you e-mail to all of them Friday afternoon.
My boss and three co-workers put everything together: coordinated the group gift, planned/shopped for food, decorated the conference room, came up with a co-ed friendly game, shopped for a gift from the big-boss, etc. I have a personal thank you card written for each of them, but I'm wondering what token of appreciation might be appropriate to accompany a thank you card to each of these four ladies.
My boss loves Starbucks, but a gift card seems too "here's $5 or $10 in exchange for all you did."
Any ideas or advice?
Re: thank you gifts for work shower?
I think a heartfelt thank-you card is appropriate and enough. People do stuff like that because they want to, not for what they'll get in return. And it sounds like it was a really nice affair, so they did it because they like you!
If you feel you must do something, are you up to baking? Mabye some cookies or muffins - or you could buy them from the grocery store or local bakery and give them in a nice tin or box. Flowers are also another option.
If you are looking for more than a heart-felt thank you, I was also thinking of baking some cookies, muffins, or scones and taking them in. You could do as the pp said and give each of the four a small tin, or display them on a platter for everyone at work to share.
Or, some farm markets have fresh flowers you can cut yourself and make gorgeous boquets out of. (Paulus' in Mech. I know used to do this) You could make one arrangement and take it in to work with you for all to enjoy. This is pretty cheap and not your generic grocerey store arrangements.