I have 2 year old DD & 6 months twin girls. I found out I was pregnant with the twins when DD was just under 1 year.....anyone else in this situation, really "3 under 2"? This obviously creates a whole other set of issues....I'd love to chat about how you handle it, such as feeding & sleeping issues, and getting out of the house with all 3!!
Re: Anyone w/ multiples + older/younger DC?
FYI, there is a post similar to this one a little bit down the page so that post may be helpful to you as well.
I am in the same boat as you. I have a 2.5 year old DS and almost 11 month old b/g twins. As you know, a lot of what I do is survival mode and just winging it. I try as best I can to stick to a schedule and my kids have adjusted well to a schedule. My twins were STTN around 6 weeks old and all 3 are sounds sleepers so I'm very lucky there.
Depending on if you BF or not, tandem feedings are an option. After I stopped bf'ing, a tried feeding them both at the same time with the help on boppies but that didn't work for me so I now have to bottle feed them individually. Usually, I feed my oldest first and then the twins (if they all happen to eat at the same time). Since I feed my twins separately (except when I feed them solids) if both are crying, I just take the twin who looks the most upset. It break my heart to hear them cry but sometimes, it's just what I have to do. Generally speaking though, if all 3 need me at the same time, I tend to my oldest first since he can remember that I did pay attention to him first (unless one of the twins really needs me more).
In terms of taking all 3 at once....I hardly ever do it by myself. Not at this age. Again this is due to my oldest son not wanting to hold my hand for too long if I am pushing the stroller. He inevitably breaks the grip and runs off. He's just at that age where he wants to explore and does not always listen and it's hard to contain him when I'm occupied with pushing a stroller around. I know some moms use a double stroller and a sling, which might work for you. Others have used a child leash and a double stroller. I haven't done either of those options yet.
I'm sure if you have more ?s, there will be plenty of help found on this board. So many women on here in similiar circumstances...it's a great resource! Good luck!
Hi there - my oldest just turned 3, I have an almost 2 year old, and 3 month old twins. Every day is an adventure It's definitely challenging to go out, but totally worth it to have my older two have the semblance of a normal life. I don't do some things I used to do, like going to the library. But, I try to go to different parks a couple times a week. I bring my double stroller, my sling, my ergo, and my hooter hider everywhere I go - I never know who will need to be carried or pushed, and I can swap kids around wherever they ned to go. Also, I pack up everything the night before so my diaper bag is ready to go - sometimes I even put that in the car the night before so it's one less thing to have to carry in the morning. I also always bring a lunch to the park, so I can have them eat there, and not have to worry about lunch mess for the day at my house (a bonus!). Then, when we get home, the older ones go right down for a nap, and I can focus on the babies. As much work as it is to get out of the house, the kids love it, and they take nice long naps after getting really tuckered out Also a bonus!
As for sleep, my older two share a room and are on the same schedule, and usually sleep fine. My twins are a different story But, in general. I try to have them all nap at the same time during the day. The older two are flexible enough that I can put them down for their nap anywhere between 11 and 1, so I can do it right before my babies will go down. Then, I have at least 1.5 to 2 hours to myself. Of course, that's the time I use to do laundry, clean up the kitchen and sometimes make a casserole for dinner if I'm feeling really organized - doesn't happen that often
Right now, my best friends are my Fisher Price Papasan swing and my Graco Snug Glider Swing that holds a car seat - they're both awesome!
If I don't leave the house during the day, I'm usually still in my pj's by the time my DH comes home - sad but true. And. I can easily go 2 days without a shower.
I try to take it a day at a time, and try to enjoy the small things. I hope this helped you a little. It's nice to know there are others in the same boat. Good luck!!
Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)