My DD is now 8 weeks and change, so she's really just a few days adjusted age. She is about 5.5 lbs and I have been giving her around 60cc (2 oz) every 3 hours per NICU schedule. When we are finished with her bottle, she is still rooting like crazy for food most times. Especially at night, about 1/2 hour to an hour after a feed, she is crying and clearly hungry. I have heard of "cluster feeding" and I am pretty sure this is what is going on. My question is, since she is bottle fed (enfamil AR), do I give her another full feed an hour later since she is so hungry? I have tried giving her just a little bit, but she remains unsatisfied. Any thoughts? Thanks! I plan on calling her ped on monday, but I just wanted to see if you gals had any experience with this Jaws-like phenomenon. If she were a shark, she'd be the biggest in the ocean, no doubt
Re: My 32 weeker seems constantly hungry...please help!
This is what I was thinking too. We always fed DS until he was satisfied. When he had a growth spurt, he was taking a full bottle every 2 hours instead of every 4.