Hi Ladies,
I don't really "belong" on these boards but I am trying to get rid of some formula. My fiance's brother moved in with us after splitting with his wife and when he changed his address to ours, we started recieving baby coupons and stuff in the mail. He has since moved out, his boys are well over the baby stage (6 and 8) and I know nobody else who could use these two cans of formula I have. I just got them in the mail today as samples I guess? They are normal sized cans and I know that formula is pricey so I would like to find someone who could use them. FI and I are at least two years away from even thinking about having a baby. :-)
One is Similac Isomil Advance soy formula w/ DHA and ARA
the other is Similac Advance Infant Formula w/ early shield
Please let me know if anyone wants these, I know that you can't just switch back and forth so hopefully someone out there is already using one of these and they can be of good use.
Re: Similac formula anyone?