I know I should be posting this on another board but since I have only written to people on here I feel more comfortable asking this on here. I started feeling cramps earlier this morning but not like PMS cramps. I know its normal to have some cramps and even spotting early in your pregnancy so I didn't think much about it eventually they stopped but the thing im worried about is three times today I have gotten sharp pains on my right side. I called my doctor because I had an ectopic 3 years ago and it felt like that sharp of pain but I wasn't this early. She told me it was probably nothing and since I have an appointment schedule July 6th with the ultrasound that I should be fine and I am just being over worried (this is a brand new doctor because I just moved across the country) also, I guess I should put in there that I had my cervix lasered (sorry on the spelling) last year because of cancer which unfortunately makes it really thin. So my question if you don't mind my babbling is did anyone have sharp pains early in there pregnancy? and in your opinion would you get another doctor who didn't seem to concerned? (I know doctors are busy but this women hung up the phone in midsentence).
Thanks girls..sorry its kinda long and drawn out.
Re: I know I should probably post this on another board